
Rating Sort ascending Title Author Genre Sub-Genre(s) Country Year
10.0 Light of DayThe Light of Day Eric AmblerAmbler Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
10.0 Maltese FalconThe Maltese Falcon Dashiell HammettHammett Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
10.0 Double IndemnityDouble Indemnity James M. CainCain Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
10.0 Secret Agent: A Simple TaleThe Secret Agent: A Simple Tale Joseph ConradConrad Fiction Mystery/Crime Poland
10.0 Spy Who Came In From the ColdThe Spy Who Came In From the Cold John le Carrele Carre Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
10.0 Pop. 1280Pop. 1280 Jim ThompsonThompsonc Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
10.0 AxThe Ax Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Ashenden: or the British AgentAshenden: or the British Agent W. Somerset MaughamMaugham Fiction Mystery/Crime, Short Stories United Kingdom
9.5 OutlawsOutlaws George V. HigginsHiggins Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 EngagementThe Engagement Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
9.5 SlaygroundSlayground Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Chinaman's ChanceChinaman's Chance Ross ThomasThomasf Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Dirty SnowDirty Snow Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
9.5 Black Wings Has My AngelBlack Wings Has My Angel Elliott ChazeChaze Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Butcher's MoonButcher's Moon Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 He Died with His Eyes OpenHe Died with His Eyes Open Derek RaymondRaymond Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 Faithful PlaceFaithful Place Tana FrenchFrench Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Coffin for DimitriosA Coffin for Dimitrios Eric AmblerAmbler Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 Friends of Eddie CoyleThe Friends of Eddie Coyle George V. HigginsHiggins Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Red HarvestRed Harvest Dashiell HammettHammett Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 MemoryMemory Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime
9.5 Journey Into FearJourney Into Fear Eric AmblerAmbler Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 Bank ShotBank Shot Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Man With the Getaway FaceThe Man With the Getaway Face Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Miernik DossierThe Miernik Dossier Charles McCarryMcCarry Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Murder in the WindMurder in the Wind John D. MacDonaldMacDonald Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Jimmy the KidJimmy the Kid Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime
9.5 Help, I Am Being Held PrisonerHelp, I Am Being Held Prisoner Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 ScoreThe Score Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Last Good KissThe Last Good Kiss James CrumleyCrumley Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 What's the Worst that Could Happen? What's the Worst that Could Happen? Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Perfect SpyA Perfect Spy John le Carrele Carre Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 Big SleepThe Big Sleep Raymond ChandlerChandler Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Fools in Town Are on Our SideThe Fools in Town Are on Our Side Ross ThomasThomasf Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 SeventhThe Seventh Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Human FactorThe Human Factor Graham GreeneGreenec Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 Real Cool KillersThe Real Cool Killers Chester HimesHimes Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Savage NightSavage Night Jim ThompsonThompsonc Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.5 Lush LifeLush Life Richard PricePrice Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 361361 Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 HookThe Hook Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 ClosersThe Closers Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Nobody Runs ForeverNobody Runs Forever Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 QuarryQuarry Max Allan CollinsCollins Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 HunterThe Hunter Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Grifter's GameGrifter's Game Lawrence BlockBlock Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 KahawaKahawa Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 League of Frightened MenThe League of Frightened Men Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 BrushbackBrushback K.C. ConstantineConstantine Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Nothing in Her WayNothing in Her Way Charles K. WilliamsWilliams Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Maigret HesitatesMaigret Hesitates Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
9.0 Man Who Was ThursdayThe Man Who Was Thursday G.K. ChestertonChesterton Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 Honorable SchoolboyThe Honorable Schoolboy John le Carrele Carre Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 Brass VerdictThe Brass Verdict Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Jurassic ParkJurassic Park Michael CrichtonCrichton Fiction Science Fiction, Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Some Buried CaesarSome Buried Caesar Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 What the Dead KnowWhat the Dead Know Laura LippmanLippman Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Talented Mr. RipleyThe Talented Mr. Ripley Patricia HighsmithHighsmith Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Plunder SquadPlunder Squad Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Hunt for Red OctoberThe Hunt for Red October Tom ClancyClancy Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Likely StoryA Likely Story Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Too Many WomenToo Many Women Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Seersucker WhipsawThe Seersucker Whipsaw Ross ThomasThomas Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Good BehaviorGood Behavior Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 DropThe Drop Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Deep WaterDeep Water Patricia HighsmithHighsmith Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Black SundayBlack Sunday Thomas HarrisHarrisf Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Sadie When She DiedSadie When She Died Ed McBainMcBain Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 SugartownSugartown Loren EstlemanEstleman Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Somebody Owes Me MoneySomebody Owes Me Money Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Silence of the LambsThe Silence of the Lambs Thomas HarrisHarrisf Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 BackflashBackflash Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Digger's GameThe Digger's Game George V. HigginsHiggins Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 In the WoodsIn the Woods Tana FrenchFrench Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 MurderessThe Murderess Alexandros PapadiamantisPapadiamantis Fiction Mystery/Crime Greece
9.0 Hot RockThe Hot Rock Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Get RealGet Real Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Epitaph for a SpyEpitaph for a Spy Eric AmblerAmbler Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 L.A. RequiemL.A. Requiem Robert CraisCrais Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 When the Sacred Ginmill ClosesWhen the Sacred Ginmill Closes Lawrence BlockBlock Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Drowned HopesDrowned Hopes Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Postman Always Rings TwiceThe Postman Always Rings Twice James M. CainCain Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Plot It YourselfPlot It Yourself Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 OutfitThe Outfit Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 BreakoutBreakout Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Line of FireLine of Fire Donald HamiltonHamilton Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 SearcherThe Searcher Tana FrenchFrench Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Bleak HouseBleak House Charles DickensDickens Fiction General, Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 Glass KeyThe Glass Key Dashiell HammettHammett Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Equal DangerEqual Danger Leonardo SciasciaSciascia Fiction Mystery/Crime Italy
9.0 Angels FlightAngels Flight Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 We Have Always Lived in the CastleWe Have Always Lived in the Castle Shirley JacksonJackson Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Law of InnocenceThe Law of Innocence Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Cops and RobbersCops and Robbers Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 DamnedThe Damned John D. MacDonaldMacDonaldb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Hollywood StationHollywood Station Joseph WambaughWambaugh Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Agents of Innocence: A Spy StoryAgents of Innocence: A Spy Story David IgnatiusIgnatius Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Sleep With the DevilSleep With the Devil Day KeeneKeene Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Tinker Tailor Soldier SpyTinker Tailor Soldier Spy John le Carrele Carre Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 City of BonesCity of Bones Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 So Many DoorsSo Many Doors Oakley HallHalld Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Hard Rain FallingHard Rain Falling Don CarpenterCarpenter Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Two MuchTwo Much Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 In a Lonely PlaceIn a Lonely Place Dorothy HughesHughes Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Turn of the ScrewThe Turn of the Screw Henry JamesJamesc Fiction General, Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Laughing PolicemanThe Laughing Policeman Maj SjowallSjowall Fiction Mystery/Crime Sweden
9.0 ChillThe Chill Ross MacdonaldMacdonaldd Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Defending Billy RyanDefending Billy Ryan George V. HigginsHiggins Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Brothers KeepersBrothers Keepers Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Orient ExpressOrient Express Graham GreeneGreenec Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 Only Girl in the GameThe Only Girl in the Game John D. MacDonaldMacDonaldb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Crime and GuiltCrime and Guilt Ferdinand von SchirachVon Schirach Fiction Mystery/Crime, Short Stories Germany
9.0 Man Who Watched the Trains Go ByThe Man Who Watched the Trains Go By Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
9.0 Dead Low TideDead Low Tide John D. MacDonaldMacDonaldb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 HandleThe Handle Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Tropic MoonTropic Moon Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.5 Nothing More than MurderNothing More than Murder Jim ThompsonThompsonc Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Key to the SuiteA Key to the Suite John D. MacDonaldMacDonaldb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Miss Pym DisposesMiss Pym Disposes Josephine TeyTey Fiction Mystery/Crime Scotland
8.5 AirframeAirframe Michael CrichtonCrichton Fiction Science Fiction, Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Five DecembersFive Decembers James KestrelKestrel Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Way Through the WoodsThe Way Through the Woods Colin DexterDexter Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 Enough!Enough! Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime, Short Stories United States
8.5 Gutter and the GraveThe Gutter and the Grave Ed McBainMcBain Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 PledgeThe Pledge Friedrich DurrenmattDurrenmatt Fiction Mystery/Crime Switzerland
8.5 FletchFletch Gregory McDonaldMcdonald Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Soft TouchSoft Touch John D. MacDonaldMacDonaldb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Every Little Crook and NannyEvery Little Crook and Nanny Evan HunterHunter Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 After I'm GoneAfter I'm Gone Laura LippmanLippman Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Skinny DipSkinny Dip Carl HiaasenHiaasen Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Pity Him AfterwardsPity Him Afterwards Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 FuzzFuzz Ed McBainMcBain Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Green RipperThe Green Ripper John D. MacDonaldMacDonaldb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Eight Million Ways to DieEight Million Ways to Die Lawrence BlockBlock Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 SphereSphere Michael CrichtonCrichton Fiction Science Fiction, Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 FirebreakFirebreak Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Sour Lemon ScoreThe Sour Lemon Score Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Innocence of Father BrownThe Innocence of Father Brown G.K. ChestertonChesterton Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 Little ScarletLittle Scarlet Walter MosleyMosley Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Cinnamon SkinCinnamon Skin John D. MacDonaldMacdonaldb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Red ScarfThe Red Scarf Gil BrewerBrewer Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Fugitive PigeonThe Fugitive Pigeon Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Why Me?Why Me? Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Killing FloorKilling Floor Lee ChildChild Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 Invisible HandsInvisible Hands Stig SaeterbakkenSaeterbakken Fiction Mystery/Crime Norway
8.5 Deadly EdgeDeadly Edge Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Wrong MurderThe Wrong Murder Craig RiceRiceb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 GambitGambit Rex StoutStout Non-Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Long Lavender LookThe Long Lavender Look John D. MacDonaldMacDonald Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 LevineLevine Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime, Short Stories United States
8.5 GetawayThe Getaway Jim ThompsonThompsonc Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 CollectorThe Collector John FowlesFowles Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 Smallbone DeceasedSmallbone Deceased Michael GilbertGilbert Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 Silent SpeakerThe Silent Speaker Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Green Eagle ScoreThe Green Eagle Score Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Red DragonRed Dragon Thomas HarrisHarrisf Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Beast Must DieThe Beast Must Die Nicholas BlakeBlake Fiction Mystery/Crime Ireland
8.5 Inspector Barlach Mysteries: The Judge and His Hangman & SuspicionThe Inspector Barlach Mysteries: The Judge and His Hangman & Suspicion Friedrich DurrenmattDurrenmatt Fiction Mystery/Crime Switzerland
8.5 Spy in the OintmentThe Spy in the Ointment Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 ReversalThe Reversal Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Don't Lie To MeDon't Lie To Me Tucker CoeCoe Fiction Mystery/Crime
8.5 Presumed InnocentPresumed Innocent Scott TurowTurow Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Taste of AshesThe Taste of Ashes Howard BrowneBrowne Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Blank WallThe Blank Wall Elisabeth Sanxay HoldingHolding Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 God Save the MarkGod Save the Mark Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 InterfaceInterface Joe GoresGores Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Another Time, Another LifeAnother Time, Another Life Leif G.W. PerssonPersson Fiction Mystery/Crime Sweden
8.5 ComebackComeback Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Woman in WhiteThe Woman in White Wilkie CollinsCollins Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 Black and BlueBlack and Blue Ian RankinRankin Fiction Mystery/Crime Scotland
8.5 Quarry's DealQuarry's Deal Max Allan CollinsCollins Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Sinners and ShroudsSinners and Shrouds Jonathan LatimerLatimer Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Trust Me on ThisTrust Me on This Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Berlin GameBerlin Game Len DeightonDeighton Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 Concrete BlondeThe Concrete Blonde Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Murder by the BookMurder by the Book Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Mahe CircleThe Mahe Circle Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.5 Kill the Boss GoodbyeKill the Boss Goodbye Peter RabeRabe Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Friend of Madame MaigretThe Friend of Madame Maigret Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.5 Faceless KillersFaceless Killers Henning MankellMankell Fiction Mystery/Crime Sweden
8.5 Clear and Present DangerClear and Present Danger Tom ClancyClancy Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Total PowerTotal Power Kyle MillsMillsb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Ask the ParrotAsk the Parrot Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Tales of Mystery and ImaginationTales of Mystery and Imagination Edgar Allen PoePoe Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Mouse in the MountainThe Mouse in the Mountain Norbert DavisDavisc Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Tears of AutumnThe Tears of Autumn Charles McCarryMcCarry Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Don't AskDon't Ask Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Background to DangerBackground to Danger Eric AmblerAmbler Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 Three Bedrooms in ManhattanThree Bedrooms in Manhattan Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.5 NightclubThe Nightclub Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.5 Mad and the BadThe Mad and the Bad Jean-Patrick ManchetteManchette Fiction Mystery/Crime France
8.5 Rose of TibetThe Rose of Tibet Lionel DavidsonDavidsonc Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 Matarese CircleThe Matarese Circle Robert LudlumLudlum Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Dirty MoneyDirty Money Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Death of a CitizenDeath of a Citizen Donald HamiltonHamilton Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Pick-UpPick-Up Charles WillefordWilleford Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 TrackersTrackers Deon MeyerMeyer Fiction Mystery/Crime South Africa
8.5 Cause for AlarmCause for Alarm Eric AmblerAmbler Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 Maigret in HollandMaigret in Holland Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.5 Maigret and the Calame ReportMaigret and the Calame Report Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.5 Deep Blue Good-byThe Deep Blue Good-by John D. MacDonaldMacDonaldb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Death of a DoxyDeath of a Doxy Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Galton CaseThe Galton Case Ross MacdonaldMacdonaldd Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Maigret and the BumMaigret and the Bum Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.5 Twenty-Year DeathThe Twenty-Year Death Ariel WinterWinter Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 SmokeSmoke Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Flash of GreenA Flash of Green John D. MacDonaldMacDonaldb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Long GoodbyeThe Long Goodbye Raymond ChandlerChandler Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Blood on the DesertBlood on the Desert Peter RabeRabe Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Lady in the LakeLady in the Lake Laura LippmanLippman Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Maigret and the Old PeopleMaigret and the Old People Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.5 Where Are the Children?Where Are the Children? Mary Higgins ClarkClarkb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Lincoln LawyerThe Lincoln Lawyer Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Wonderful Years, Wonderful YearsWonderful Years, Wonderful Years George V. HigginsHiggins Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Night HeronNight Heron Adam BrookesBrookes Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.5 MercenariesThe Mercenaries Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Franchise AffairThe Franchise Affair Josephine TeyTey Fiction Mystery/Crime Scotland
8.5 Gods of GuiltThe Gods of Guilt Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 BriarpatchBriarpatch Ross ThomasThomasf Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Defending JacobDefending Jacob William LandayLanday Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.5 Desert StarDesert Star Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Tony and SusanTony and Susan Austin WrightWright Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Shroud for a NightingaleShroud for a Nightingale P.D. JamesJamesd Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Rare Coin ScoreThe Rare Coin Score Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Maximum BobMaximum Bob Elmore LeonardLeonard Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Bad NewsBad News Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Our Kind of TraitorOur Kind of Traitor John le Carrele Carre Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Dance at the SlaughterhouseA Dance at the Slaughterhouse Lawrence BlockBlock Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Andromeda StrainThe Andromeda Strain Michael CrichtonCrichton Fiction Science Fiction, Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 PostmortemPostmortem Patricia CornwellCornwell Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 GrasshopperGrasshopper Barbara VineVine Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Slough HouseSlough House Mick HerronHerron Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 True DetectiveTrue Detective Max Allan CollinsCollins Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Remorseful DayThe Remorseful Day Colin DexterDexter Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Red LightsRed Lights Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.0 Best of Mr. Fortune StoriesThe Best of Mr. Fortune Stories H.C. BaileyBailey Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Remember MeRemember Me Mary Higgins ClarkClarkb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Study in ScarletA Study in Scarlet Arthur Conan DoyleDoyle Fiction Mystery/Crime Scotland
8.0 Gone for GoodGone for Good Harlan CobenCoben Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Glass RainbowThe Glass Rainbow James Lee BurkeBurke Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 GriftersThe Grifters Jim ThompsonThompsonc Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Slam the Big DoorSlam the Big Door John D. MacDonaldMacDonaldb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 PeddlerThe Peddler Richard S. PratherPrather Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Sign of FourThe Sign of Four Arthur Conan DoyleDoyle Fiction Mystery/Crime Scotland
8.0 SnowmanThe Snowman Jo NesboNesbo Fiction Mystery/Crime Norway
8.0 Unfinished CrimeThe Unfinished Crime Elisabeth Sanxay HoldingHolding Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Kill ArtistThe Kill Artist Daniel SilvaSilva Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Road to RuinThe Road to Ruin Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 TurnaroundThe Turnaround George PelecanosPelecanos Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Brutal TellingThe Brutal Telling Louise PennyPenny Fiction Mystery/Crime Canada
8.0 Name is MaloneThe Name is Malone Craig RiceRiceb Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 CheatersThe Cheaters Orrie HittHitt Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Deadly Shade of GoldA Deadly Shade of Gold John D. MacDonaldMacDonald Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Lost KeyThe Lost Key Catherine CoulterCoulter Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Thieves' DozenThieves' Dozen Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime, Short Stories United States
8.0 Friday the Rabbi Slept LateFriday the Rabbi Slept Late Harry KemelmanKemelman Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 FirmThe Firm John GrishamGrisham Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Worth Dying ForWorth Dying For Lee ChildChild Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Ripley's GameRipley's Game Patricia HighsmithHighsmith Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Dial "M" for ManDial "M" for Man Orrie HittHitt Non-Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Maigret on the DefensiveMaigret on the Defensive Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.0 Black EchoThe Black Echo Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 I, the JuryI, the Jury Mickey SpillaneSpillane Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Kennedy for the DefenseKennedy for the Defense George V. HigginsHiggins Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Dark PassageDark Passage David GoodisGoodis Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 What's So Funny?What's So Funny? Donald WestlakeWestlake Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 RainmakerThe Rainmaker John GrishamGrisham Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Case of the Red BoxCase of the Red Box Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 LodgerThe Lodger Marie Belloc LowndesLowndes Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Maigret and the Headless CorpseMaigret and the Headless Corpse Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.0 Last CoyoteThe Last Coyote Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Before MidnightBefore Midnight Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Voodoo RiverVoodoo River Robert CraisCrais Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Girl With the Dragon TattooThe Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Stieg LarssonLarsson Fiction Mystery/Crime Sweden
8.0 GreenmantleGreenmantle John BuchanBuchan Fiction Mystery/Crime Scotland
8.0 Mystery of the Yellow RoomThe Mystery of the Yellow Room Gaston LerouxLeroux Fiction Mystery/Crime France
8.0 Billy SummersBilly Summers Stephen KingKing Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Maigret and the Burglar's WifeMaigret and the Burglar's Wife Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
8.0 Thirty-Nine StepsThe Thirty-Nine Steps John BuchanBuchan Fiction Mystery/Crime Scotland
8.0 HereticsHeretics Leonardo PaduraPadura Fiction Mystery/Crime Cuba
8.0 Burning RoomThe Burning Room Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Killer's WedgeKiller's Wedge Ed McBainMcBain Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 SnowSnow John BanvilleBanville Fiction Mystery/Crime, General
8.0 Too Many CooksToo Many Cooks Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Before the FactBefore the Fact Francis IlesIles Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Judgment on DeltchevJudgment on Deltchev Eric AmblerAmbler Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 UnquietThe Unquiet John ConnollyConnolly Fiction Mystery/Crime Ireland
8.0 Most Wanted ManA Most Wanted Man John le Carrele Carre Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Murder Me for NickelsMurder Me for Nickels Peter RabeRabe Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Champagne for OneChampagne for One Rex StoutStout Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Malice AforethoughtMalice Aforethought Francis IlesIles Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Kinds of Love, Kinds of DeathKinds of Love, Kinds of Death Tucker CoeCoe Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Wrong Side of GoodbyeThe Wrong Side of Goodbye Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Dance Hall of the DeadDance Hall of the Dead Tony HillermanHillerman Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 DoomstersThe Doomsters Ross MacdonaldMacdonaldd Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 MournerThe Mourner Richard StarkStark Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Double, DoubleDouble, Double Ellery QueenQueen Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Lucky BastardLucky Bastard Charles McCarryMcCarry Fiction Mystery/Crime
8.0 Dark Sacred NightDark Sacred Night Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime
8.0 Murder Among ChildrenMurder Among Children Tucker CoeCoe Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Killer Inside MeThe Killer Inside Me Jim ThompsonThompsonc Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Hollywood CrowsHollywood Crows Joseph WambaughWambaugh Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Two Kinds of TruthTwo Kinds of Truth Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Gone GirlGone Girl Gillian FlynnFlynn Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Lost LightLost Light Michael ConnellyConnelly Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Children of MenThe Children of Men P.D. JamesJamesd Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 TrespasserThe Trespasser Tana FrenchFrench Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Man on the RunMan on the Run Charles K. WilliamsWilliams Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Rage in HarlemA Rage in Harlem Chester HimesHimes Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Murder Must AdvertiseMurder Must Advertise Dorothy L. SayersSayers Fiction Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Moment She Was GoneThe Moment She Was Gone Evan HunterHunter Fiction Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Glass CageThe Glass Cage Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime Belgium
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