Image of an open Book



Rating Title Author Genre Sub Genre(s) Country Year
10.0 Light of DayThe Light of Day Eric AmblerEric Ambler Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
10.0 26662666 Roberto BolanoRoberto Bolano Fiction testGeneral Chile
10.0 Savage DetectivesThe Savage Detectives Roberto BolanoRoberto Bolano Fiction testGeneral Chile
10.0 Double IndemnityDouble Indemnity James M. CainJames M. Cain Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
10.0 Mrs. BridgeMrs. Bridge Evan ConnellEvan Connell Fiction testGeneral United States
10.0 Secret Agent: A Simple TaleThe Secret Agent: A Simple Tale Joseph ConradJoseph Conrad Fiction testMystery/Crime Poland
10.0 UbikUbik Philip K. DickPhilip K. Dick Fiction testScience Fiction United States
10.0 GameThe Game Ken DrydenKen Dryden Non-Fiction testSports, Autobiography/Memoir Canada
10.0 Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Richard FeynmanRichard Feynman Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Science/Nature United States
10.0 Frolic of His OwnA Frolic of His Own William GaddisWilliam Gaddis Fiction testGeneral United States
10.0 Maltese FalconThe Maltese Falcon Dashiell HammettDashiell Hammett Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
10.0 Winter's TaleWinter's Tale Mark HelprinMark Helprin Fiction testGeneral United States
10.0 Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: The Finca Vigia EditionThe Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: The Finca Vigia Edition Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway Fiction testShort Stories United States
10.0 Spy Who Came In From the ColdThe Spy Who Came In From the Cold John le CarreJohn le Carre Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
10.0 Epitaph of a Small WinnerEpitaph of a Small Winner Joaquim Maria Machado de AssisJoaquim Maria Machado de Assis Fiction testGeneral Brazil
10.0 So Long, See You TomorrowSo Long, See You Tomorrow William MaxwellWilliam Maxwellb Fiction testGeneral United States
10.0 Moby-Dick; or, The WhaleMoby-Dick; or, The Whale Herman MelvilleHerman Melville Fiction testGeneral United States
10.0 Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the WorldHard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World Haruki MurakamiHaruki Murakami Fiction testGeneral, Science Fiction Japan
10.0 Pale FirePale Fire Vladimir NabokovVladimir Nabokov Fiction testGeneral Russia
10.0 PninPnin Vladimir NabokovVladimir Nabokov Fiction testGeneral Russia
10.0 LolitaLolita Vladimir NabokovVladimir Nabokov Fiction testGeneral Russia
10.0 Dance to the Music of TimeA Dance to the Music of Time Anthony PowellAnthony Powell Fiction testGeneral United States
10.0 Street of CrocodilesThe Street of Crocodiles Bruno SchulzBruno Schulz Fiction testGeneral, Short Stories Poland
10.0 Rings of SaturnThe Rings of Saturn W.G. SebaldW.G. Sebald Fiction testGeneral Germany
10.0 EmigrantsThe Emigrants W.G. SebaldW.G. Sebald Fiction testGeneral Germany
10.0 KidnappedKidnapped Robert Louis StevensonRobert Louis Stevenson Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
10.0 ArcadiaArcadia Tom StoppardTom Stoppard Fiction testPlays United Kingdom
10.0 Gulliver's TravelsGulliver's Travels Jonathan SwiftJonathan Swift Fiction testGeneral Ireland
10.0 Pop. 1280Pop. 1280 Jim ThompsonJim Thompsonc Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
10.0 Hadji MuratHadji Murat Leo TolstoyLeo Tolstoy Fiction testGeneral Russia
10.0 Death of Ivan IlyichThe Death of Ivan Ilyich Leo TolstoyLeo Tolstoy Fiction testGeneral Russia
10.0 Consider the Lobster and Other EssaysConsider the Lobster and Other Essays David Foster WallaceDavid Foster Wallaceb Non-Fiction testEssays, Sports United States
10.0 Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and ArgumentsA Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments David Foster WallaceDavid Foster Wallaceb Non-Fiction testEssays, Sports United States
10.0 AxThe Ax Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States

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Rating Title Author Genre Sub Genre(s) Country Year
9.5 Hitchhiker's Guide to the GalaxyThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas AdamsDouglas Adams Fiction testScience Fiction United Kingdom
9.5 Literary ConferenceThe Literary Conference Cesar AiraCesar Aira Fiction testGeneral Argentina
9.5 Gotz and MeyerGotz and Meyer David AlbahariDavid Albahari Fiction testGeneral Serbia
9.5 Coffin for DimitriosA Coffin for Dimitrios Eric AmblerEric Ambler Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 Journey Into FearJourney Into Fear Eric AmblerEric Ambler Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 War Against Cliche: Essays and Reviews 1971-2000The War Against Cliche: Essays and Reviews 1971-2000 Martin AmisMartin Amisz Non-Fiction testEssays, Literary Studies United Kingdom
9.5 Winesburg, OhioWinesburg, Ohio Sherwood AndersonSherwood Andersonc Fiction testShort Stories United States
9.5 Final Cut: Art, Money, and Ego in the Making of Heaven's Gate, the Film that Sank United ArtistsFinal Cut: Art, Money, and Ego in the Making of Heaven's Gate, the Film that Sank United Artists Steven BachSteven Bach Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater, Business/Management United States
9.5 Use of WeaponsUse of Weapons Iain BanksIain Banks Fiction testScience Fiction Scotland
9.5 Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896 Sven BeckertSven Beckert Non-Fiction testHistory, Economics/Finance United States
9.5 Humboldt's GiftHumboldt's Gift Saul BellowSaul Bellow Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 HerzogHerzog Saul BellowSaul Bellow Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 FiccionesFicciones Jorge Luis BorgesJorge Luis Borges Fiction testShort Stories Argentina
9.5 Short History of Nearly EverythingA Short History of Nearly Everything Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, History United States
9.5 Adversary: A True Story of Monstrous DeceptionThe Adversary: A True Story of Monstrous Deception Emmanuel CarrereEmmanuel Carrere Non-Fiction testTrue Crime France
9.5 Big SleepThe Big Sleep Raymond ChandlerRaymond Chandler Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Black Wings Has My AngelBlack Wings Has My Angel Elliott ChazeElliott Chaze Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Everlasting ManThe Everlasting Man G.K. ChestertonG.K. Chesterton Non-Fiction testReligion United Kingdom
9.5 Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad OnesAtomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones James ClearJames Clear Non-Fiction testSelf-Help United States
9.5 Life and Times of Michael KLife and Times of Michael K J.M. CoetzeeJ.M. Coetzee Fiction testGeneral South Africa
9.5 Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial LifeBoyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life J.M. CoetzeeJ.M. Coetzee Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir South Africa
9.5 Lord JimLord Jim Joseph ConradJoseph Conrad Fiction testGeneral Poland
9.5 Detroit 67: The Year That Changed SoulDetroit 67: The Year That Changed Soul Stuart CosgroveStuart Cosgrove Non-Fiction testHistory, Music Scotland
9.5 Childhood: The Biography of a PlaceA Childhood: The Biography of a Place Harry CrewsHarry Crewsb Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
9.5 Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great WestNature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West William CrononWilliam Cronon Fiction testHistory, Economics/Finance United States
9.5 Last Good KissThe Last Good Kiss James CrumleyJames Crumley Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Selfish GeneThe Selfish Gene Richard DawkinsRichard Dawkins Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United Kingdom
9.5 How Proust Can Change Your LifeHow Proust Can Change Your Life Alain de BottonAlain de Botton Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Literary Studies United Kingdom
9.5 Naked SingularityA Naked Singularity Sergio de la PavaSergio de la Pava Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Democracy in AmericaDemocracy in America Alexis de TocquevilleAlexis de Tocqueville Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics France
9.5 UnderworldUnderworld Don DeLilloDon DeLillo Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 DeliveranceDeliverance James DickeyJames Dickey Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 MillstoneThe Millstone Margaret DrabbleMargaret Drabble Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.5 Philosophy of Modern SongThe Philosophy of Modern Song Bob DylanBob Dylan Non-Fiction testMusic United States
9.5 Chronicles, Volume 1Chronicles, Volume 1 Bob DylanBob Dylan Non-Fiction testMusic, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.5 Eminent HipstersEminent Hipsters Donald FagenDonald Fagen Non-Fiction testMusic, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.5 Blue FlowerThe Blue Flower Penelope FitzgeraldPenelope Fitzgeraldc Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.5 Simple HeartA Simple Heart Gustave FlaubertGustave Flaubert Fiction testGeneral France
9.5 Good SoldierThe Good Soldier Ford Madox FordFord Madox Ford Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.5 CrossroadsCrossroads Jonathan FranzenJonathan Franzen Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 CorrectionsThe Corrections Jonathan FranzenJonathan Franzen Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Faithful PlaceFaithful Place Tana FrenchTana French Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Crime and Punishment in American HistoryCrime and Punishment in American History Lawrence FriedmanLawrence Friedman Non-Fiction testSociology, History United States
9.5 Class: A Guide Through the American Status SystemClass: A Guide Through the American Status System Paul FussellPaul Fussell Non-Fiction testSociology, Economics/Finance United States
9.5 History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman EmpireThe History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward GibbonEdward Gibbon Non-Fiction testHistory, Philosophy United Kingdom
9.5 Four Screenplays with EssaysFour Screenplays with Essays William GoldmanWilliam Goldman Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater United States
9.5 Season: A Candid Look at BroadwayThe Season: A Candid Look at Broadway William GoldmanWilliam Goldman Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater United States
9.5 Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. GrantPersonal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant Ulysses S. GrantUlysses S. Grant Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, History United States
9.5 Human FactorThe Human Factor Graham GreeneGraham Greenec Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 Breaks of the GameThe Breaks of the Game David HalberstamDavid Halberstam Non-Fiction testSports United States
9.5 Red HarvestRed Harvest Dashiell HammettDashiell Hammett Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 In LoveIn Love Alfred HayesAlfred Hayes Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.5 Transit of VenusThe Transit of Venus Shirley HazzardShirley Hazzard Fiction testGeneral Australia
9.5 How to Survive in Your Native LandHow to Survive in Your Native Land James HerndonJames Herndon Non-Fiction testEducation, Sociology United States
9.5 Friends of Eddie CoyleThe Friends of Eddie Coyle George V. HigginsGeorge V. Higgins Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 OutlawsOutlaws George V. HigginsGeorge V. Higgins Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Real Cool KillersThe Real Cool Killers Chester HimesChester Himes Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 American Political Tradition: And the Men Who Made ItThe American Political Tradition: And the Men Who Made It Richard HofstadterRichard Hofstadter Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United States
9.5 Single ManA Single Man Christopher IsherwoodChristopher Isherwood Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Wings of the DoveThe Wings of the Dove Henry JamesHenry Jamesc Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 AmbassadorsThe Ambassadors Henry JamesHenry Jamesc Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Summer BookThe Summer Book Tove JanssonTove Jansson Fiction testGeneral Finland
9.5 Complete StoriesThe Complete Stories Franz KafkaFranz Kafka Fiction testShort Stories
9.5 TrialThe Trial Franz KafkaFranz Kafka Fiction testGeneral Czech Republic
9.5 StandThe Stand Stephen KingStephen King Fiction testHorror, Science Fiction United States
9.5 ShiningThe Shining Stephen KingStephen King Fiction testHorror United States
9.5 My Struggle: Book OneMy Struggle: Book One Karl Ove KnausgaardKarl Ove Knausgaard Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir Norway
9.5 Perfect SpyA Perfect Spy John le CarreJohn le Carre Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 Golden NotebookThe Golden Notebook Doris LessingDoris Lessing Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.5 Liar's Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall StreetLiar's Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street Michael LewisMichael Lewis Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.5 Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair GameMoneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game Michael LewisMichael Lewis Non-Fiction testSports, Economics/Finance United States
9.5 When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital ManagementWhen Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management Roger LowensteinRoger Lowenstein Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
9.5 Murder in the WindMurder in the Wind John D. MacDonaldJohn D. MacDonald Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Ashenden: or the British AgentAshenden: or the British Agent W. Somerset MaughamW. Somerset Maugham Fiction testMystery/Crime, Short Stories United Kingdom
9.5 Miernik DossierThe Miernik Dossier Charles McCarryCharles McCarry Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Child in TimeThe Child in Time Ian McEwanIan McEwan Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.5 Lonesome DoveLonesome Dove Larry McMurtryLarry McMurtry Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Rising from the PlainsRising from the Plains John McPheeJohn McPhee Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, History United States
9.5 Mardi: And a Voyage Thither Mardi: And a Voyage Thither Herman MelvilleHerman Melville Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Bartleby, the ScrivenerBartleby, the Scrivener Herman MelvilleHerman Melville Fiction testShort Stories United States
9.5 Redburn: His First VoyageRedburn: His First Voyage Herman MelvilleHerman Melville Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Typee: A Peep at Polynesian LifeTypee: A Peep at Polynesian Life Herman MelvilleHerman Melville Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Confidence-Man: His MasqueradeThe Confidence-Man: His Masquerade Herman MelvilleHerman Melville Fiction testGeneral
9.5 Billy Budd, SailorBilly Budd, Sailor Herman MelvilleHerman Melville Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Up in the Old HotelUp in the Old Hotel Joseph MitchellJoseph Mitchellb Non-Fiction testEssays, History United States
9.5 SulaSula Toni MorrisonToni Morrison Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Wind-Up Bird ChronicleThe Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Haruki MurakamiHaruki Murakami Fiction testGeneral Japan
9.5 Wild Sheep ChaseA Wild Sheep Chase Haruki MurakamiHaruki Murakami Fiction testGeneral Japan
9.5 Stories of Vladimir NabokovThe Stories of Vladimir Nabokov Vladimir NabokovVladimir Nabokov Fiction testShort Stories Russia
9.5 Invitation to a BeheadingInvitation to a Beheading Vladimir NabokovVladimir Nabokov Fiction testGeneral Russia
9.5 Wise BloodWise Blood Flannery O'ConnorFlannery O'Connor Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Complete Review Guide to Contemporary World FictionThe Complete Review Guide to Contemporary World Fiction M.A. OrthoferM.A. Orthofer Non-Fiction testReference, Literary Studies United States
9.5 Out Stealing HorsesOut Stealing Horses Per PettersonPer Petterson Fiction testGeneral Norway
9.5 Lush LifeLush Life Richard PriceRichard Price Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 He Died with His Eyes OpenHe Died with His Eyes Open Derek RaymondDerek Raymond Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 CounterlifeThe Counterlife Philip RothPhilip Roth Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Light YearsLight Years James SalterJames Salter Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Sport and a PastimeA Sport and a Pastime James SalterJames Salter Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 AuctioneerThe Auctioneer Joan SamsonJoan Samson Fiction testHorror United States
9.5 AusterlitzAusterlitz W.G. SebaldW.G. Sebald Fiction testGeneral Germany
9.5 EngagementThe Engagement Georges SimenonGeorges Simenon Fiction testMystery/Crime Belgium
9.5 Dirty SnowDirty Snow Georges SimenonGeorges Simenon Fiction testMystery/Crime Belgium
9.5 Theory of Moral SentimentsThe Theory of Moral Sentiments Adam SmithAdam Smith Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Philosophy Scotland
9.5 Money GameThe Money Game Adam Smith - aka George GoodwinAdam Smithb (Goodwin) Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
9.5 GateThe Gate Natsume SosekiNatsume Soseki Fiction testGeneral Japan
9.5 SlaygroundSlayground Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Butcher's MoonButcher's Moon Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 ScoreThe Score Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 SeventhThe Seventh Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Man With the Getaway FaceThe Man With the Getaway Face Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Flag for SunriseA Flag for Sunrise Robert StoneRobert Stoneb Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the MarketsFooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets Nassim Nicholas TalebNassim Nicholas Taleb Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Psychology United States
9.5 Sir Vidia's Shadow: A Friendship Across Five ContinentsSir Vidia's Shadow: A Friendship Across Five Continents Paul TherouxPaul Theroux Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
9.5 Chinaman's ChanceChinaman's Chance Ross ThomasRoss Thomasf Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Fools in Town Are on Our SideThe Fools in Town Are on Our Side Ross ThomasRoss Thomasf Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Savage NightSavage Night Jim ThompsonJim Thompsonc Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Hitchcock/TruffautHitchcock/Truffaut Francois TruffautFrancois Truffaut Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater, Biography France
9.5 Fathers and SonsFathers and Sons Ivan TurgenevIvan Turgenev Fiction testGeneral Russia
9.5 Adventures of Huckleberry FinnAdventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark TwainMark Twain Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 ProfilesProfiles Kenneth TynanKenneth Tynan Non-Fiction testEssays, Film/TV/Theater United Kingdom
9.5 Rabbit ReduxRabbit Redux John UpdikeJohn Updike Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Picked-Up Pieces: EssaysPicked-Up Pieces: Essays John UpdikeJohn Updike Non-Fiction testEssays, Literary Studies United States
9.5 Rabbit, RunRabbit, Run John UpdikeJohn Updike Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 BirdsThe Birds Tarjei VesaasTarjei Vesaas Fiction testGeneral Norway
9.5 Fire Upon the DeepA Fire Upon the Deep Vernor VingeVernor Vinge Fiction testScience Fiction United States
9.5 Infinite JestInfinite Jest David Foster WallaceDavid Foster Wallaceb Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Help, I Am Being Held PrisonerHelp, I Am Being Held Prisoner Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Jimmy the KidJimmy the Kid Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime
9.5 What's the Worst that Could Happen? What's the Worst that Could Happen? Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 Bank ShotBank Shot Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.5 MemoryMemory Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime
9.5 Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great MigrationThe Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration Isabel WilkersonIsabel Wilkerson Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
9.5 Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made ManNixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man Garry WillsGarry Wills Non-Fiction testPolitics, History United States
9.5 MischiefMischief Christopher WilsonChristopher Wilsonb Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.5 Right StuffThe Right Stuff Tom WolfeTom Wolfe Non-Fiction testBiography, Science/Nature United States
9.5 This Boy's Life: A MemoirThis Boy's Life: A Memoir Tobias WolffTobias Wolffc Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
9.5 Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 Lawrence WrightLawrence Wrightb Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United States
9.5 Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and PowerThe Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power Daniel YerginDaniel Yergin Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United States

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Rating Title Author Genre Sub Genre(s) Country Year
9.0 Woman in the DunesThe Woman in the Dunes Kobo AbeKobo Abe Fiction testGeneral Japan
9.0 Restaurant at the End of the UniverseThe Restaurant at the End of the Universe Douglas AdamsDouglas Adams Fiction testScience Fiction United Kingdom
9.0 Cold Hand in MineCold Hand in Mine Robert AickmanRobert Aickman Fiction testHorror United Kingdom
9.0 How I Became a NunHow I Became a Nun Cesar AiraCesar Aira Fiction testGeneral Argentina
9.0 Le Grand MeaulnesLe Grand Meaulnes Henri Alain-FournierHenri Alain-Fournier Fiction testGeneral France
9.0 The Biggest Game in TownThe Biggest Game in Town Al AlvarezAl Alvarez Non-Fiction testGambling/Games, Sports United Kingdom
9.0 Epitaph for a SpyEpitaph for a Spy Eric AmblerEric Ambler Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 Rachel PapersThe Rachel Papers Martin AmisMartin Amis Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 ExperienceExperience Martin AmisMartin Amis Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
9.0 Inside StoryInside Story Martin AmisMartin Amis Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 Game Time: A Baseball CompanionGame Time: A Baseball Companion Roger AngellRoger Angell Non-Fiction testSports, Essays United States
9.0 Diary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund ManagerDiary of a Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager Anonymous Anonymous Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
9.0 Repeat Until Rich: A Professional Card Counter's Chronicle of the Blackjack WarsRepeat Until Rich: A Professional Card Counter's Chronicle of the Blackjack Wars Josh AxelradJosh Axelrad Non-Fiction testGambling/Games, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 PeregrineThe Peregrine J.A. BakerJ.A. Baker Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United Kingdom
9.0 U and I: A True StoryU and I: A True Story Nicholson BakerNicholson Baker Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 MezzanineThe Mezzanine Nicholson BakerNicholson Bakerb Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Collected EssaysCollected Essays James BaldwinJames Baldwin Non-Fiction testEssays United States
9.0 High-RiseHigh-Rise J.G. BallardJ.G. Ballard Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor DungPsychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung Lester BangsLester Bangs Non-Fiction testMusic, Essays United States
9.0 Mr. GwynMr. Gwyn Alessandro BariccoAlessandro Baricco Fiction testGeneral Italy
9.0 Flaubert's ParrotFlaubert's Parrot Julian BarnesJulian Barnesb Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 Lost in the FunhouseLost in the Funhouse John BarthJohn Barth Fiction testShort Stories United States
9.0 Sot-Weed FactorThe Sot-Weed Factor John BarthJohn Barth Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 From Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the Present, 500 Years of Western Cultural LifeFrom Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the Present, 500 Years of Western Cultural Life Jacques BarzunJacques Barzun Non-Fiction testHistory France
9.0 Denial of DeathThe Denial of Death Ernest BeckerErnest Becker Non-Fiction testPsychology, Sociology United States
9.0 Example of MelvilleThe Example of Melville Warner BerthoffWarner Berthoff Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies, Biography United States
9.0 Detroit City Is the Place to Be: The Afterlife of an American MetropolisDetroit City Is the Place to Be: The Afterlife of an American Metropolis Mark BinelliMark Binelli Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
9.0 Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved HollywoodEasy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood Peter BiskindPeter Biskind Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater United States
9.0 Grifter's GameGrifter's Game Lawrence BlockLawrence Block Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 When the Sacred Ginmill ClosesWhen the Sacred Ginmill Closes Lawrence BlockLawrence Block Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 By Night in ChileBy Night in Chile Roberto BolanoRoberto Bolano Fiction testGeneral Chile
9.0 Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death and Hope in a Mumbai UndercityBehind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity Katherine BooKatherine Boo Non-Fiction testSociology, History United States
9.0 Rhetoric of IronyA Rhetoric of Irony Wayne BoothWayne Boothb Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies United States
9.0 Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary UnderbellyKitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly Anthony BourdainAnthony Bourdain Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Food United States
9.0 Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in PolandOrdinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland Christopher BrowningChristopher Browning Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
9.0 One Summer: America, 1927One Summer: America, 1927 Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testHistory United States
9.0 Body: A Guide for OccupantsThe Body: A Guide for Occupants Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testMedicine United States
9.0 Country Doctor's NotebookA Country Doctor's Notebook Mikhail BulgakovMikhail Bulgakov Fiction testShort Stories Russia
9.0 PossessionPossession A.S. ByattA.S. Byatt Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 How Music WorksHow Music Works David ByrneDavid Byrne Non-Fiction testMusic United States
9.0 Postman Always Rings TwiceThe Postman Always Rings Twice James M. CainJames M. Cain Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Hard Rain FallingHard Rain Falling Don CarpenterDon Carpenter Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Finite and Infinite Games: A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility Finite and Infinite Games: A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility James CarseJames Carse Non-Fiction testPhilosophy United States
9.0 WitnessWitness Whittaker ChambersWhittaker Chambers Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Politics United States
9.0 Man Who Was ThursdayThe Man Who Was Thursday G.K. ChestertonG.K. Chesterton Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 Hunt for Red OctoberThe Hunt for Red October Tom ClancyTom Clancy Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Golden Age Is in Us: Journeys & Encounters 1987-1994The Golden Age Is in Us: Journeys & Encounters 1987-1994 Alexander CockburnAlexander Cockburn Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Politics United States
9.0 QuarryQuarry Max Allan CollinsMax Allan Collins Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Brass VerdictThe Brass Verdict Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 City of BonesCity of Bones Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 DropThe Drop Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Law of InnocenceThe Law of Innocence Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 ClosersThe Closers Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Angels FlightAngels Flight Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Heart of DarknessHeart of Darkness Joseph ConradJoseph Conrad Fiction testGeneral Poland
9.0 Stop-TimeStop-Time Frank ConroyFrank Conroy Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 BrushbackBrushback K.C. ConstantineK.C. Constantine Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Becoming Trader JoeBecoming Trader Joe Joe CoulombeJoe Coulombe Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Business/Management United States
9.0 L.A. RequiemL.A. Requiem Robert CraisRobert Crais Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Jurassic ParkJurassic Park Michael CrichtonMichael Crichton Fiction testScience Fiction, Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 Betting on Myself: Adventures of a Horseplayer and PublisherBetting on Myself: Adventures of a Horseplayer and Publisher Steven CristSteven Crist Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Sports United States
9.0 Varieties of DisturbanceVarieties of Disturbance Lydia DavisLydia Davis Fiction testShort Stories United States
9.0 Unweaving the RainbowUnweaving the Rainbow Richard DawkinsRichard Dawkins Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United Kingdom
9.0 Architecture of HappinessThe Architecture of Happiness Alain de BottonAlain de Botton Non-Fiction testArt/Architecture, Philosophy United Kingdom
9.0 Art of TravelThe Art of Travel Alain de BottonAlain de Botton Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure United Kingdom
9.0 White NoiseWhite Noise Don DeLilloDon DeLillo Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Gold CoastThe Gold Coast Nelson DeMilleNelson DeMille Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 My Life as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and FinanceMy Life as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance Emanuel DermanEmanuel Derman Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Scanner DarklyA Scanner Darkly Philip K. DickPhilip K. Dick Fiction testScience Fiction United States
9.0 Man in the High CastleThe Man in the High Castle Philip K. DickPhilip K. Dick Fiction testScience Fiction United States
9.0 Bleak HouseBleak House Charles DickensCharles Dickens Fiction testGeneral, Mystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 Year of Magical ThinkingThe Year of Magical Thinking Joan DidionJoan Didion Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Heaven’s Coast: A MemoirHeaven’s Coast: A Memoir Mark DotyMark Doty Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 You Have the Right to Remain InnocentYou Have the Right to Remain Innocent James DuaneJames Duane Non-Fiction testOther United States
9.0 Life Itself!Life Itself! Elaine DundyElaine Dundy Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Film/TV/Theater
9.0 Name of the RoseThe Name of the Rose Umberto EcoUmberto Eco Fiction testGeneral Italy
9.0 BearBear Marian EngelMarian Engel Fiction testGeneral Canada
9.0 Economy of Prestige: Prizes, Awards and Circulation of Cultural ValueThe Economy of Prestige: Prizes, Awards and Circulation of Cultural Value James EnglishJames English Non-Fiction testSociology, Economics/Finance United States
9.0 SugartownSugartown Loren EstlemanLoren Estleman Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 DrinkerThe Drinker Hans FalladaHans Fallada Fiction testGeneral Germany
9.0 Word Freak: Heartbreak, Triumph, Genius, and Obsession in the World of Competitive Scrabble PlayersWord Freak: Heartbreak, Triumph, Genius, and Obsession in the World of Competitive Scrabble Players Stefan FatsisStefan Fatsis Non-Fiction testGambling/Games, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Days of AbandonmentThe Days of Abandonment Elena FerranteElena Ferrante Fiction testGeneral Italy
9.0 Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant TeacherSix Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher Richard FeynmanRichard Feynman Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United States
9.0 Brazilian AdventureBrazilian Adventure Peter FlemingPeter Flemingb Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Autobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
9.0 In the WoodsIn the Woods Tana FrenchTana French Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 SearcherThe Searcher Tana FrenchTana French Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Where Did Our Love Go?: The Rise and Fall of the Motown SoundWhere Did Our Love Go?: The Rise and Fall of the Motown Sound Nelson GeorgeNelson George Non-Fiction testMusic, History United States
9.0 Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies, Hicks, and White Trash Became America's ScapegoatsThe Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies, Hicks, and White Trash Became America's Scapegoats Jim GoadJim Goad Non-Fiction testPolitics, Sociology United States
9.0 Bad Science: Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma FlacksBad Science: Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma Flacks Ben GoldacreBen Goldacre Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, Mathematics/Statistics United Kingdom
9.0 Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of RealityThe Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality Brian GreeneBrian Greeneb Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United States
9.0 Orient ExpressOrient Express Graham GreeneGraham Greenec Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 Brighton RockBrighton Rock Graham GreeneGraham Greenec Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 Lost Highway: Journeys and Arrivals of American MusiciansLost Highway: Journeys and Arrivals of American Musicians Peter GuralnickPeter Guralnick Non-Fiction testMusic, Biography United States
9.0 Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and ReligionThe Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion Jonathan HaidtJonathan Haidt Non-Fiction testPolitics, Sociology United States
9.0 ReckoningThe Reckoning David HalberstamDavid Halberstam Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Business/Management United States
9.0 Madeleine's World: A Biography of a Three-Year-OldMadeleine's World: A Biography of a Three-Year-Old Brian HallBrian Hallb Non-Fiction testBiography, Psychology United States
9.0 So Many DoorsSo Many Doors Oakley HallOakley Halld Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Line of FireLine of Fire Donald HamiltonDonald Hamilton Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Glass KeyThe Glass Key Dashiell HammettDashiell Hammett Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Undercover EconomistThe Undercover Economist Tim HarfordTim Harford Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United Kingdom
9.0 Pictures at a Revolution: Five Movies and the Birth of HollywoodPictures at a Revolution: Five Movies and the Birth of Hollywood Mark Harris 2Mark Harrise Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater United States
9.0 Silence of the LambsThe Silence of the Lambs Thomas HarrisThomas Harrisf Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Black SundayBlack Sunday Thomas HarrisThomas Harrisf Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Act OneAct One Moss HartMoss Hart Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Wall Street: How It Works and for WhomWall Street: How It Works and for Whom Doug HenwoodDoug Henwood Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Politics United States
9.0 Love Goes to Buildings on Fire: Five Years in New York that Changed Music ForeverLove Goes to Buildings on Fire: Five Years in New York that Changed Music Forever Will HermesWill Hermes Non-Fiction testMusic, History United States
9.0 Signs Preceding the End of the WorldSigns Preceding the End of the World Yuri HerreraYuri Herrera Fiction testGeneral Mexico
9.0 Glass Bead GameThe Glass Bead Game Hermann HesseHermann Hesse Fiction testGeneral Germany
9.0 Digger's GameThe Digger's Game George V. HigginsGeorge V. Higgins Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Defending Billy RyanDefending Billy Ryan George V. HigginsGeorge V. Higgins Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Talented Mr. RipleyThe Talented Mr. Ripley Patricia HighsmithPatricia Highsmith Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Deep WaterDeep Water Patricia HighsmithPatricia Highsmith Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 MortalityMortality Christopher HitchensChristopher Hitchens Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Medicine United Kingdom
9.0 Invention of TraditionThe Invention of Tradition Eric HobsbawmEric Hobsbawm Non-Fiction testHistory, Essays United Kingdom
9.0 Stranger's ChildThe Stranger's Child Alan HollinghurstAlan Hollinghurst Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 In a Lonely PlaceIn a Lonely Place Dorothy HughesDorothy Hughes Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Brave New WorldBrave New World Aldous HuxleyAldous Huxley Fiction testScience Fiction United States
9.0 Agents of Innocence: A Spy StoryAgents of Innocence: A Spy Story David IgnatiusDavid Ignatius Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Do Everything in the DarkDo Everything in the Dark Gary IndianaGary Indiana Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United StatesCrabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States Kenneth JacksonKenneth Jackson Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
9.0 We Have Always Lived in the CastleWe Have Always Lived in the Castle Shirley JacksonShirley Jackson Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories From History and the ArtsCultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories From History and the Arts Clive JamesClive Jamesb Non-Fiction testEssays, Biography United Kingdom
9.0 What Maisie KnewWhat Maisie Knew Henry JamesHenry Jamesc Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Turn of the ScrewThe Turn of the Screw Henry JamesHenry Jamesc Fiction testGeneral, Mystery/Crime United States
9.0 True DeceiverThe True Deceiver Tove JanssonTove Jansson Fiction testGeneral Finland
9.0 WaitingWaiting Ha JinHa Jin Fiction testGeneral China
9.0 CastleThe Castle Franz KafkaFranz Kafka Fiction testGeneral Czech Republic
9.0 Sleep With the DevilSleep With the Devil Day KeeneDay Keene Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 HeartThe Heart Maylis De KerangalMaylis De Kerangal Fiction testGeneral France
9.0 On the RoadOn the Road Jack KerouacJack Kerouac Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Essays in PersuasionEssays in Persuasion John Maynard KeynesJohn Maynard Keynes Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Essays United Kingdom
9.0 Manias, Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial CrisesManias, Panics and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises Charles KindlebergerCharles Kindleberger Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, History United States
9.0 Pet SemataryPet Sematary Stephen KingStephen King Fiction testHorror United States
9.0 Salem's LotSalem's Lot Stephen KingStephen King Fiction testHorror United States
9.0 MiseryMisery Stephen KingStephen King Fiction testHorror United States
9.0 Different SeasonsDifferent Seasons Stephen KingStephen King Fiction testHorror, General United States
9.0 My Struggle: Book TwoMy Struggle: Book Two Karl Ove KnausgaardKarl Ove Knausgaard Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir Norway
9.0 Instant Replay: The Green Bay Diary of Jerry KramerInstant Replay: The Green Bay Diary of Jerry Kramer Jerry KramerJerry Kramer Non-Fiction testSports, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Peddling Prosperity: Economic Sense and Nonsense in the Age of Dininished ExpectationsPeddling Prosperity: Economic Sense and Nonsense in the Age of Dininished Expectations Paul KrugmanPaul Krugman Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
9.0 FlamethrowersThe Flamethrowers Rachel KushnerRachel Kushner Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic and Madness at the Fair That Changed AmericaThe Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic and Madness at the Fair That Changed America Erik LarsonErik Larson Non-Fiction testHistory, True Crime United States
9.0 Tinker Tailor Soldier SpyTinker Tailor Soldier Spy John le CarreJohn le Carre Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 Honorable SchoolboyThe Honorable Schoolboy John le CarreJohn le Carre Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 PachinkoPachinko Min Jin LeeMin Jin Leeb Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Reminiscences of a Stock OperatorReminiscences of a Stock Operator Edwin LefevreEdwin Lefevre Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Biography United States
9.0 Leaving the Atocha StationLeaving the Atocha Station Ben LernerBen Lerner Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 If This Is a ManIf This Is a Man Primo LeviPrimo Levi Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, History Italy
9.0 Fifth Risk: Undoing DemocracyThe Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy Michael LewisMichael Lewis Non-Fiction testPolitics United States
9.0 What the Dead KnowWhat the Dead Know Laura LippmanLaura Lippman Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Complete StoriesThe Complete Stories Clarice LispectorClarice Lispector Fiction testShort Stories United States
9.0 Dark ForestThe Dark Forest Cixin LiuCixin Liu Fiction testScience Fiction China
9.0 Shadow over InnsmouthThe Shadow over Innsmouth H.P. LovecraftH.P. Lovecraft Fiction testHorror United States
9.0 Buffett: The Making of an American CapitalistBuffett: The Making of an American Capitalist Roger LowensteinRoger Lowenstein Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Business/Management United States
9.0 Making MoviesMaking Movies Sidney LumetSidney Lumet Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Dead Low TideDead Low Tide John D. MacDonaldJohn D. MacDonaldb Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 DamnedThe Damned John D. MacDonaldJohn D. MacDonaldb Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Only Girl in the GameThe Only Girl in the Game John D. MacDonaldJohn D. MacDonaldb Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 ChillThe Chill Ross MacdonaldRoss Macdonaldd Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great BetrayalA Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal Ben MacintyreBen Macintyre Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United Kingdom
9.0 CalCal Bernard MacLavertyBernard MacLaverty Fiction testGeneral Ireland
9.0 Death of a PresidentThe Death of a President William ManchesterWilliam Manchester Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United States
9.0 Fourteen Ninety One: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus Charles MannCharles Mann Non-Fiction testHistory United States
9.0 Experiment in LoveAn Experiment in Love Hilary MantelHilary Mantel Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 Mystery Train: Images of America in Rock 'n' Roll Music Mystery Train: Images of America in Rock 'n' Roll Music Greil MarcusGreil Marcus Non-Fiction testMusic, Biography United States
9.0 Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death and Brain SurgeryDo No Harm: Stories of Life, Death and Brain Surgery Henry MarshHenry Marsh Non-Fiction testMedicine, Autobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
9.0 Born Standing Up: A Comic's LifeBorn Standing Up: A Comic's Life Steve MartinSteve Martin Non-Fiction testHumor, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Shrinking ManThe Shrinking Man Richard MathesonRichard Matheson Fiction testScience Fiction, Horror United States
9.0 Underground is Massive: How Electronic Dance Music Conquered AmericaThe Underground is Massive: How Electronic Dance Music Conquered America Michaelangelo MatosMichaelangelo Matos Non-Fiction testMusic United States
9.0 Of Human BondageOf Human Bondage W. Somerset MaughamW. Somerset Maugham Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 Sadie When She DiedSadie When She Died Ed McBainEd McBain Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 AtonementAtonement Ian McEwanIan McEwan Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 North WaterThe North Water Ian McGuireIan McGuire Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Positively Fifth Street: Murderers, Cheetahs, and Binion's World Series of PokerPositively Fifth Street: Murderers, Cheetahs, and Binion's World Series of Poker James McManusJames McManus Non-Fiction testGambling/Games, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of PunkPlease Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk Legs McNeilLegs McNeil Non-Fiction testMusic, History United States
9.0 Sense of Where You Are: A Profile of Bill Bradley at PrincetonA Sense of Where You Are: A Profile of Bill Bradley at Princeton John McPheeJohn McPhee Non-Fiction testSports, Biography United States
9.0 Levels of the GameLevels of the Game John McPheeJohn McPhee Non-Fiction testSports, Biography United States
9.0 Southern California: An Island on the LandSouthern California: An Island on the Land Carey McWilliamsCarey McWilliams Non-Fiction testHistory United States
9.0 White-Jacket; or, The World in a Man-of-War White-Jacket; or, The World in a Man-of-War Herman MelvilleHerman Melville Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Vintage Mencken: The Finest and Fiercest Essays of the Great Literary IconoclastThe Vintage Mencken: The Finest and Fiercest Essays of the Great Literary Iconoclast H.L. MenckenH.L. Mencken Non-Fiction testEssays, Politics United States
9.0 Why We Did It: A Travelogue from the Republican Road to HellWhy We Did It: A Travelogue from the Republican Road to Hell Tim MillerTim Miller Non-Fiction testPolitics, History United States
9.0 O'ClockO'Clock Quim MonzoQuim Monzo Fiction testShort Stories Spain
9.0 Enormity of the TragedyThe Enormity of the Tragedy Quim MonzoQuim Monzo Fiction testGeneral Spain
9.0 1Q841Q84 Haruki MurakamiHaruki Murakami Fiction testGeneral Japan
9.0 Norwegian WoodNorwegian Wood Haruki MurakamiHaruki Murakami Fiction testGeneral Japan
9.0 Wizard A True Star: Todd Rundgren In The StudioA Wizard A True Star: Todd Rundgren In The Studio Paul MyersPaul Myers Non-Fiction testMusic, Biography Canada
9.0 DespairDespair Vladimir NabokovVladimir Nabokov Fiction testGeneral Russia
9.0 My Turf: Horses, Boxers, Blood Money, and the Sporting LifeMy Turf: Horses, Boxers, Blood Money, and the Sporting Life William NackWilliam Nack Non-Fiction testSports, Essays United States
9.0 Among the Believers: An Islamic JourneyAmong the Believers: An Islamic Journey V.S. NaipaulV.S. Naipaul Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Autobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
9.0 Battle for Christmas: A Social and Cultural History of Our Most Cherished HolidayThe Battle for Christmas: A Social and Cultural History of Our Most Cherished Holiday Stephen NissenbaumStephen Nissenbaum Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
9.0 How We Die: Reflections on Life's Final ChapterHow We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter Sherwin NulandSherwin Nuland Non-Fiction testMedicine, Sociology United States
9.0 Good Man is Hard to Find and Other StoriesA Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories Flannery O'ConnorFlannery O'Connor Fiction testShort Stories United States
9.0 Parliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire U.S. GovernmentParliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire U.S. Government P.J. O'RourkeP.J. O'Rourke Non-Fiction testPolitics, Essays United States
9.0 Puttermesser PapersThe Puttermesser Papers Cynthia OzickCynthia Ozick Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 MurderessThe Murderess Alexandros PapadiamantisAlexandros Papadiamantis Fiction testMystery/Crime Greece
9.0 Book of DisquietThe Book of Disquiet Fernando PessoaFernando Pessoa Non-Fiction testPhilosophy Portugal
9.0 Better Angels of our NatureThe Better Angels of Our Nature Steven PinkerSteven Pinker Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
9.0 Baseball 100The Baseball 100 Joe PosnanskiJoe Posnanski Non-Fiction testSports, Biography United States
9.0 Wolf SolentWolf Solent John Cowper PowysJohn Cowper Powys Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 Exercises in StyleExercises in Style Raymond QueneauRaymond Queneau Fiction testGeneral France
9.0 ImperfectionistsThe Imperfectionists Tom RachmanTom Rachman Fiction testGeneral Canada
9.0 Every Song Ever: Twenty Ways to Listen in an Age of Musical PlentyEvery Song Ever: Twenty Ways to Listen in an Age of Musical Plenty Ben RatliffBen Ratliff Non-Fiction testMusic United States
9.0 Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978–1984Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978–1984 Simon ReynoldsSimon Reynolds Non-Fiction testMusic United Kingdom
9.0 HousekeepingHousekeeping Marilynne RobinsonMarilynne Robinson Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Listen to ThisListen to This Alex RossAlex Ross Non-Fiction testMusic, Essays United States
9.0 Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth CenturyThe Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century Alex RossAlex Ross Non-Fiction testMusic, History United States
9.0 Plot Against AmericaThe Plot Against America Philip RothPhilip Roth Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Sabbath's TheaterSabbath's Theater Philip RothPhilip Roth Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Order of TimeThe Order of Time Carlo RovelliCarlo Rovelli Non-Fiction testScience/Nature Italy
9.0 Jesse Livermore - Boy Plunger: The Man Who Sold America Short in 1929Jesse Livermore - Boy Plunger: The Man Who Sold America Short in 1929 Tom RubythonTom Rubython Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Biography United States
9.0 Fact and FictionFact and Fiction Bertrand RussellBertrand Russell Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Politics United Kingdom
9.0 Conquest of HappinessThe Conquest of Happiness Bertrand RussellBertrand Russell Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Self-Help United Kingdom
9.0 Autobiography of Bertrand RussellThe Autobiography of Bertrand Russell Bertrand RussellBertrand Russell Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Autobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
9.0 History of Western PhilosophyA History of Western Philosophy Bertrand RussellBertrand Russell Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, History United Kingdom
9.0 Man who Mistook His Wife for a HatThe Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat Oliver SacksOliver Sacks Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, Psychology United Kingdom
9.0 Anthropologist on MarsAn Anthropologist on Mars Oliver SacksOliver Sacks Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, Psychology United Kingdom
9.0 Memoirs of an Invisible ManMemoirs of an Invisible Man H.F. SaintH.F. Saint Fiction testScience Fiction United States
9.0 Catcher in the RyeThe Catcher in the Rye J.D. SalingerJ.D. Salinger Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Dusk and Other StoriesDusk and Other Stories James SalterJames Salter Fiction testShort Stories United States
9.0 Pastoralia: StoriesPastoralia: Stories George SaundersGeorge Saunders Fiction testShort Stories United States
9.0 Envy: A Theory of Social BehaviorEnvy: A Theory of Social Behavior Helmut SchoeckHelmut Schoeck Non-Fiction testSociology, Politics Austria
9.0 Where are the Customers' Yachts?: or A Good Hard Look at Wall StreetWhere are the Customers' Yachts?: or A Good Hard Look at Wall Street Fred SchwedFred Schwed Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
9.0 Equal DangerEqual Danger Leonardo SciasciaLeonardo Sciascia Fiction testMystery/Crime Italy
9.0 Journal 1935-1944Journal 1935-1944 Mihail SebastianMihail Sebastian Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, History Romania
9.0 Her First AmericanHer First American Lore SegalLore Segalb Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 What You Can Change and What You Can't: The Complete Guide to Successful Self-ImprovementWhat You Can Change and What You Can't: The Complete Guide to Successful Self-Improvement Martin SeligmanMartin Seligman Non-Fiction testPsychology, Self-Help United States
9.0 Where'd You Go, BernadetteWhere'd You Go, Bernadette Maria SempleMaria Semple Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Albert Speer: His Battle with TruthAlbert Speer: His Battle with Truth Gitta SerenyGitta Sereny Non-Fiction testHistory, Biography United Kingdom
9.0 Man Who Watched the Trains Go ByThe Man Who Watched the Trains Go By Georges SimenonGeorges Simenon Fiction testMystery/Crime Belgium
9.0 Maigret HesitatesMaigret Hesitates Georges SimenonGeorges Simenon Fiction testMystery/Crime Belgium
9.0 Book of Basketball: The NBA According to The Sports GuyThe Book of Basketball: The NBA According to The Sports Guy Bill SimmonsBill Simmons Non-Fiction testSports United States
9.0 Laughing PolicemanThe Laughing Policeman Maj SjowallMaj Sjowall Fiction testMystery/Crime Sweden
9.0 Lost Property: Memoirs and Confessions of a Bad BoyLost Property: Memoirs and Confessions of a Bad Boy Ben SonnenbergBen Sonnenberg Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Journalism/Media Studies United States
9.0 Too Big to FailToo Big to Fail Andrew Ross SorkinAndrew Ross Sorkin Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
9.0 MinerThe Miner Natsume SosekiNatsume Soseki Fiction testGeneral Japan
9.0 Four Lives in the Bebop BusinessFour Lives in the Bebop Business A.B. SpellmanA.B. Spellman Non-Fiction testMusic, Biography United States
9.0 HunterThe Hunter Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 BreakoutBreakout Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Plunder SquadPlunder Squad Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 OutfitThe Outfit Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Nobody Runs ForeverNobody Runs Forever Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 BackflashBackflash Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 HandleThe Handle Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 CryptonomicanCryptonomican Neal StephensonNeal Stephenson Fiction testScience Fiction United States
9.0 Places In BetweenThe Places In Between Rory StewartRory Stewart Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Autobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
9.0 Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer EspionageThe Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage Clifford StollClifford Stoll Non-Fiction testTechnology, True Crime United States
9.0 Dog SoldiersDog Soldiers Robert StoneRobert Stoneb Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Too Many WomenToo Many Women Rex StoutRex Stout Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 League of Frightened MenThe League of Frightened Men Rex StoutRex Stout Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Plot It YourselfPlot It Yourself Rex StoutRex Stout Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Some Buried CaesarSome Buried Caesar Rex StoutRex Stout Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 How Asia Works: Success and Failure In the World's Most Dynamic RegionHow Asia Works: Success and Failure In the World's Most Dynamic Region Joe StudwellJoe Studwell Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, History United Kingdom
9.0 Heaven Is a PlaygroundHeaven Is a Playground Rick TelanderRick Telander Non-Fiction testSports, Biography United States
9.0 Great Railway BazaarThe Great Railway Bazaar Paul TherouxPaul Theroux Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Seersucker WhipsawThe Seersucker Whipsaw Ross ThomasRoss Thomas Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Golden Empire: Spain, Charles V, and the Creation of AmericaThe Golden Empire: Spain, Charles V, and the Creation of America Hugh ThomasHugh Thomasb Non-Fiction testHistory United Kingdom
9.0 Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology WatcherThe Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher Lewis ThomasLewis Thomasc Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, Medicine United States
9.0 Medusa and the Snail: More Notes of a Biology WatcherThe Medusa and the Snail: More Notes of a Biology Watcher Lewis ThomasLewis Thomasc Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, Medicine United States
9.0 Blood and Money: A True Story of Murder, Passion, and PowerBlood and Money: A True Story of Murder, Passion, and Power Thomas ThompsonThomas Thompsond Non-Fiction testTrue Crime United States
9.0 New Biographical Dictionary of Film: Sixth EditionThe New Biographical Dictionary of Film: Sixth Edition David ThomsonDavid Thomson Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater, Reference United States
9.0 Man for all Markets: From Las Vegas to Wall Street, How I Beat the Dealer and the MarketA Man for all Markets: From Las Vegas to Wall Street, How I Beat the Dealer and the Market Edward O. ThorpEdward O. Thorp Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Sportsman's SketchesA Sportsman's Sketches Ivan TurgenevIvan Turgenev Fiction testShort Stories Russia
9.0 My Own Country: A Doctor’s Story of a Town and Its PeopleMy Own Country: A Doctor’s Story of a Town and Its People Abraham VergheseAbraham Verghese Non-Fiction testMedicine, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Crime and GuiltCrime and Guilt Ferdinand von SchirachFerdinand Von Schirach Fiction testMystery/Crime, Short Stories Germany
9.0 Slaughterhouse-Five; or, The Children’s Crusade, a Dirty-Dance with Death Slaughterhouse-Five; or, The Children’s Crusade, a Dirty-Dance with Death Kurt VonnegutKurt Vonnegut Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 How the Beatles Destroyed Rock 'n' Roll: An Alternative History of American Popular MusicHow the Beatles Destroyed Rock 'n' Roll: An Alternative History of American Popular Music Elijah WaldElijah Wald Non-Fiction testMusic United States
9.0 Pale KingThe Pale King David Foster WallaceDavid Foster Wallaceb Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Oblivion: StoriesOblivion: Stories David Foster WallaceDavid Foster Wallaceb Fiction testShort Stories United States
9.0 Hollywood StationHollywood Station Joseph WambaughJoseph Wambaugh Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Black Postcards: A Rock & Roll RomanceBlack Postcards: A Rock & Roll Romance Dean WarehamDean Wareham Non-Fiction testMusic, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 Hot RockThe Hot Rock Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Drowned HopesDrowned Hopes Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 361361 Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Likely StoryA Likely Story Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Brothers KeepersBrothers Keepers Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Cops and RobbersCops and Robbers Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 HookThe Hook Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Somebody Owes Me MoneySomebody Owes Me Money Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Good BehaviorGood Behavior Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 KahawaKahawa Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Two MuchTwo Much Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Get RealGet Real Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Boy’s Own StoryA Boy’s Own Story Edmund WhiteEdmund White Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Medieval Technology and Social ChangeMedieval Technology and Social Change Lynn White Jr.Lynn Whiteb Jr. Non-Fiction testHistory, Technology United States
9.0 Happiest Man in the World: An Account of the Life of Poppa NeutrinoThe Happiest Man in the World: An Account of the Life of Poppa Neutrino Alec WilkinsonAlec Wilkinson Non-Fiction testBiography, Travel/Adventure United States
9.0 Nothing in Her WayNothing in Her Way Charles K. WilliamsCharles K. Williams Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Visiting Privilege: New and Collected StoriesThe Visiting Privilege: New and Collected Stories Joy WilliamsJoy Williamsc Fiction testShort Stories United States
9.0 Let’s Talk About Love: Why Other People Have Bad TasteLet’s Talk About Love: Why Other People Have Bad Taste Carl WilsonCarl Wilson Non-Fiction testMusic, Philosophy United States
9.0 BlueglassBlueglass Christopher WilsonChristopher Wilsonb Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 CottonCotton Christopher WilsonChristopher Wilsonb Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 How Music Got Free: The End of an Industry, The Turn of the Century and the Patient Zero of PiracyHow Music Got Free: The End of an Industry, The Turn of the Century and the Patient Zero of Piracy Stephen WittStephen Witt Non-Fiction testMusic United States
9.0 Bonfire of the VanitiesThe Bonfire of the Vanities Tom WolfeTom Wolfe Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood and the Prison of BeliefGoing Clear: Scientology, Hollywood and the Prison of Belief Lawrence WrightLawrence Wrightb Non-Fiction testReligion, Sociology United States
9.0 Invention of Nature: Alexander Von Humboldt's New WorldThe Invention of Nature: Alexander Von Humboldt's New World Andrea WulfAndrea Wulf Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, Biography United States
9.0 Midwich CuckoosThe Midwich Cuckoos John WyndhamJohn Wyndham Fiction testScience Fiction United Kingdom
9.0 Intimate History of HumanityAn Intimate History of Humanity Theodore ZeldinTheodore Zeldin Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, History United Kingdom