
Rating Sort ascending Title Author Genre Sub-Genre(s) Country Year
9.5 Democracy in AmericaDemocracy in America Alexis de Tocquevillede Tocqueville Non-Fiction History, Politics France
9.5 Hitchcock/TruffautHitchcock/Truffaut Francois TruffautTruffaut Non-Fiction Film/TV/Theater, Biography France
9.5 Adversary: A True Story of Monstrous DeceptionThe Adversary: A True Story of Monstrous Deception Emmanuel CarrereCarrere Non-Fiction True Crime France
9.5 Simple HeartA Simple Heart Gustave FlaubertFlaubert Fiction General France
9.0 Le Grand MeaulnesLe Grand Meaulnes Henri Alain-FournierAlain-Fournier Fiction General France
9.0 From Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the Present, 500 Years of Western Cultural LifeFrom Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the Present, 500 Years of Western Cultural Life Jacques BarzunBarzun Non-Fiction History France
9.0 HeartThe Heart Maylis De KerangalKerangal Fiction General France
9.0 Exercises in StyleExercises in Style Raymond QueneauQueneau Fiction General France
8.5 Mad and the BadThe Mad and the Bad Jean-Patrick ManchetteManchette Fiction Mystery/Crime France
8.5 Front Seat PassengerThe Front Seat Passenger Pascal GarnierGarnier Fiction General France
8.5 HappeningHappening Annie ErnauxErnaux Non-Fiction Autobiography/Memoir France
8.0 Devil in the FleshDevil in the Flesh Raymond RadiguetRadiguet Fiction General France
8.0 Lights of Pointe-NoireThe Lights of Pointe-Noire Alain MabanckouMabanckou Non-Fiction Autobiography/Memoir, Anthropology France
8.0 Class Trip & The MustacheClass Trip & The Mustache Emmanuel CarrereCarrere Fiction General France
8.0 Mystery of the Yellow RoomThe Mystery of the Yellow Room Gaston LerouxLeroux Fiction Mystery/Crime France
8.0 Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Equinoctial Regions of the New ContinentPersonal Narrative of a Journey to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent Alexander von HumboldtHumboldt Non-Fiction Science/Nature, Travel/Adventure France
8.0 History of ShitHistory of Shit Dominique LaporteLaporte Non-Fiction History, Sociology France
8.0 Limonov: The Outrageous Adventures of the Radical Soviet Poet Who Became a Bum in New York, a Sensation in France, and a Political Antihero in RussiaLimonov: The Outrageous Adventures of the Radical Soviet Poet Who Became a Bum in New York, a Sensation in France, and a Political Antihero in Russia Emmanuel CarrereCarrere Fiction General France
8.0 Suspended SentencesSuspended Sentences Patrick ModianoModiano Fiction General France
8.0 Conquest of America: The Question of the OtherThe Conquest of America: The Question of the Other Tzvetan TodorovTodorov Non-Fiction History, Sociology France
7.5 Catalogue of CrimeA Catalogue of Crime Jacques BarzunBarzun Non-Fiction Reference, Literary Studies France
7.5 Not One DayNot One Day Anne GarretaGarreta Fiction General France
7.5 FallThe Fall Albert CamusCamus Fiction General France
7.5 Paris VagabondParis Vagabond Jean-Paul ClebertClebert Fiction General France
7.5 Conquistadors of the Useless: From the Alps to AnnapurnaConquistadors of the Useless: From the Alps to Annapurna Lionel TerrayTerray Non-Fiction Travel/Adventure, Autobiography/Memoir France
7.5 Recollections of a Picture DealerRecollections of a Picture Dealer Ambroise VollardVollard Non-Fiction Art/Architecture, Autobiography/Memoir France
7.5 CompassCompass Mathias EnardEnard Fiction General France
7.5 Notes on the CinematographNotes on the Cinematograph Robert BressonBresson Non-Fiction Film/TV/Theater France
7.5 SuicideSuicide Edouard LeveLeve Fiction General France
7.5 Lives Other than My OwnLives Other than My Own Emmanuel CarrereCarrere Non-Fiction Autobiography/Memoir, Travel/Adventure France
7.5 Sundays in AugustSundays in August Patrick ModianoModiano Fiction General France
7.5 Atlantic IslandAtlantic Island Tony DuvertDuvert Fiction General France
7.5 Films in My LifeThe Films in My Life Francois TruffautTruffaut Non-Fiction Film/TV/Theater, Autobiography/Memoir France
7.5 Barthes by BarthesBarthes by Barthes Roland BarthesBarthes Non-Fiction Autobiography/Memoir, Essays France
7.0 Thief's JournalThe Thief's Journal Jean GenetGenet Fiction General France
7.0 First ManThe First Man Albert CamusCamus Fiction General France
7.0 Seventh Function of LanguageThe Seventh Function of Language Laurent BinetBinet Fiction General France
7.0 Castle to CastleCastle to Castle Louis-Ferdinand CelineCeline Fiction General France
7.0 Hotel SplendidHotel Splendid Marie RedonnetRedonnet Fiction General France
7.0 FridayFriday Michel TournierTournier Fiction General France
7.0 Have Mercy on Us AllHave Mercy on Us All Fred VargasVargas Fiction Mystery/Crime France
7.0 PedigreePedigree Georges SimenonSimenon Fiction Mystery/Crime France
7.0 Darkness Moves: An Henri Michaux AnthologyDarkness Moves: An Henri Michaux Anthology Henri MichauxMichaux Non-Fiction Essays, Literary Studies France