The Newlyweds

The Newlyweds



The Pequod Review:

Nell Freudenberger's The Newlyweds is the story of an American man who arranges to find his Bangladeshi wife over the internet. The character studies of the two individuals gradually unfold, and the book has real intelligence and depth as it explores multicultural marriage and the lives of immigrants in America:

And now here she was in America, serving her husband a second helping of chicken pulao. In another three years her parents might be here, too, with a baby asleep in a solid American cradle upstairs. It was not impossible, she thought, as George complimented her on the meal.  There were several paths to everything, and some of them were hidden when you started out. Her mother would say that God created those paths, but to Amina it seemed as if the paths were there; it was only that you need God to help you find them.
