AUTHORS (A-Z) Recommended Books Only (7.0 & Above)

Authors A-Z (Recommended Books)

Rating Title Author Sort descending Genre Sub Genre(s) Country Year
7.5 There Must be Some Mistake Marian BabsonMarian Babson Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.5 Final Cut: Art, Money, and Ego in the Making of Heaven's Gate, the Film that Sank United Artists Steven BachSteven Bach Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater, Business/Management United States
7.5 Beartown Fredrik BackmanFredrik Backman Fiction testGeneral Sweden
8.0 A Man Called Ove Fredrik BackmanFredrik Backman Fiction testGeneral Sweden
8.0 The Best of Mr. Fortune Stories H.C. BaileyH.C. Bailey Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
9.0 U and I: A True Story Nicholson BakerNicholson Baker Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 The Peregrine J.A. BakerJ.A. Baker Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United Kingdom
7.0 Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization Nicholson BakerNicholson Baker Non-Fiction testHistory United States
9.0 The Mezzanine Nicholson BakerNicholson Bakerb Fiction testGeneral United States
7.0 House of Holes: A Book of Raunch Nicholson BakerNicholson Bakerb Fiction testGeneral United States
7.0 Vox Nicholson BakerNicholson Bakerb Fiction testGeneral United States
7.0 Walk the Wire David BaldacciDavid Baldacci Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
7.5 Absolute Power David BaldacciDavid Baldacci Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Go Tell It on the Mountain James BaldwinJames Baldwin Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Collected Essays James BaldwinJames Baldwin Non-Fiction testEssays United States
8.0 Giovanni's Room James BaldwinJames Baldwin Fiction testGeneral United States
8.5 Another Country James BaldwinJames Baldwin Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Slaves in the Family Edward BallEdward Ball Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
9.0 High-Rise J.G. BallardJ.G. Ballard Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
7.5 The Puzzle Palace: Inside the National Security Agency, America's Most Secret Intelligence Organization James BamfordJames Bamford Non-Fiction testPolitics United States
9.0 Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung Lester BangsLester Bangs Non-Fiction testMusic, Essays United States
9.5 Use of Weapons Iain BanksIain Banks Fiction testScience Fiction Scotland
8.0 The Sweet Hereafter Russell BanksRussell Banks Fiction testGeneral United States
7.0 The Sea John BanvilleJohn Banville Fiction testGeneral
8.0 The Infinities John BanvilleJohn Banville Fiction testGeneral
8.0 Snow John BanvilleJohn Banville Fiction testMystery/Crime, General
8.0 The Journal of a Disappointed Man W.N.P. BarbellionW.N.P. Barbellion Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
9.0 Mr. Gwyn Alessandro BariccoAlessandro Baricco Fiction testGeneral Italy
8.0 Nightwood Djuna BarnesDjuna Barnes Fiction testGeneral United States
7.5 A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters Julian BarnesJulian Barnesb Fiction testShort Stories United Kingdom
9.0 Flaubert's Parrot Julian BarnesJulian Barnesb Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
7.0 The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern Potentate Erik BarnouwErik Barnouw Non-Fiction testJournalism/Media Studies, History United States
8.0 The End of the Road John BarthJohn Barth Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 The Sot-Weed Factor John BarthJohn Barth Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 Lost in the Funhouse John BarthJohn Barth Fiction testShort Stories United States
7.5 Double Down: Reflections on Gambling and Loss Donald BarthelmeDonald Barthelme Non-Fiction testGambling/Games, Autobiography/Memoir United States
7.5 Barthes by Barthes Roland BarthesRoland Barthes Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Essays France
9.0 From Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the Present, 500 Years of Western Cultural Life Jacques BarzunJacques Barzun Non-Fiction testHistory France
7.5 A Catalogue of Crime Jacques BarzunJacques Barzun Non-Fiction testReference, Literary Studies France
7.5 Platte River Rick BassRick Bass Fiction testShort Stories United States
8.5 The Watch: Stories Rick BassRick Bass Fiction testShort Stories United States
7.0 The Hermit's Story Rick BassRick Bass Fiction testShort Stories United States
7.0 A Queer Kind of Death George BaxtGeorge Baxt Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 The Power Of Delight: A Lifetime In Literature: Essays 1962-2002 John BayleyJohn Bayley Non-Fiction testEssays, Literary Studies United Kingdom
7.5 The Republic Charles BeardCharles Beard Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United States
8.5 An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution Charles BeardCharles Beard Non-Fiction testHistory, Economics/Finance United States
7.0 The Greek Revolution of 1821 and its Global Significance Roderick BeatonRoderick Beaton Non-Fiction testHistory United Kingdom
8.0 Greece: Biography of a Modern Nation Roderick BeatonRoderick Beaton Non-Fiction testHistory United Kingdom
8.5 The Sellout Paul BeattyPaul Beatty Fiction testGeneral United States
9.0 The Denial of Death Ernest BeckerErnest Becker Non-Fiction testPsychology, Sociology United States
9.5 The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896 Sven BeckertSven Beckert Non-Fiction testHistory, Economics/Finance United States
7.0 A Legacy Sybille BedfordSybille Bedford Fiction testGeneral Germany
7.5 The Prince of Minor Writers: The Selected Essays of Max Beerbohm Max BeerbohmMax Beerbohm Non-Fiction testEssays United Kingdom
8.0 Updike Adam BegleyAdam Begley Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies United States
7.5 The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism Daniel BellDaniel Bell Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Politics United States
8.0 Henderson the Rain King Saul BellowSaul Bellow Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Herzog Saul BellowSaul Bellow Fiction testGeneral United States
7.0 The Actual Saul BellowSaul Bellow Fiction testGeneral United States
9.5 Humboldt's Gift Saul BellowSaul Bellow Fiction testGeneral United States
7.5 Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window John BeltonJohn Belton Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater United States
8.0 Illuminations: Essays and Reflections Walter BenjaminWalter Benjamin Non-Fiction testEssays, Literary Studies Germany
7.5 Checkout 19 Claire-Louise BennettClaire-Louise Bennett Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
7.5 The Journals of Arnold Bennett (1896-1910) Arnold BennettArnold Bennett Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Literary Studies United Kingdom
7.0 Trent's Last Case E.C. BentleyE.C. Bentley Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
7.5 The Poisoned Chocolates Case Anthony BerkeleyAnthony Berkeley Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
7.5 Life of an Anarchist: The Alexander Berkman Reader Alexander BerkmanAlexander Berkman Non-Fiction testPolitics, Biography United States
7.5 Adventures in Marxism Marshall BermanMarshall Berman Non-Fiction testPolitics, Economics/Finance United States
8.5 The Birth of Plenty: How the Prosperity of the Modern World Was Created William BernsteinWilliam Bernstein Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, History United States
7.5 Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk Peter BernsteinPeter Bernstein Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Business/Management United States
8.0 My Experiences as an Executioner James BerryJames Berry Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Sociology United Kingdom
9.0 The Example of Melville Warner BerthoffWarner Berthoff Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies, Biography United States
7.5 The Stars My Destination Alfred BesterAlfred Bester Fiction testScience Fiction United Kingdom
7.5 Bet With the Best: All New Strategies From America's Leading Handicappers Andrew BeyerAndrew Beyer Non-Fiction testGambling/Games, Sports United States
7.5 Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos Jeff BezosJeff Bezos Non-Fiction testBusiness/Management United States
7.5 The Complete Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce Ambrose BierceAmbrose Bierce Fiction testShort Stories, Horror United States
7.5 The Devil's Dictionary Ambrose BierceAmbrose Bierce Non-Fiction testHumor, Reference United States
9.0 Detroit City Is the Place to Be: The Afterlife of an American Metropolis Mark BinelliMark Binelli Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
7.0 The Seventh Function of Language Laurent BinetLaurent Binet Fiction testGeneral France
8.5 No Sleep Till Canvey Island: The Great Pub Rock Revolution Will BirchWill Birch Non-Fiction testMusic United Kingdom
8.5 My Lunches with Orson: Conversations between Henry Jaglom and Orson Welles Peter BiskindPeter Biskind Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater, Biography United States
9.0 Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood Peter BiskindPeter Biskind Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater United States
8.5 The Beast Must Die Nicholas BlakeNicholas Blake Fiction testMystery/Crime Ireland
7.0 Nabokov’s Favorite Word is Mauve: What the Numbers Reveal About the Classics, Bestsellers, and Our Own Writing Ben BlattBen Blatt Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies United States
8.0 A Dance at the Slaughterhouse Lawrence BlockLawrence Block Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Grifter's Game Lawrence BlockLawrence Block Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.5 Eight Million Ways to Die Lawrence BlockLawrence Block Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 When the Sacred Ginmill Closes Lawrence BlockLawrence Block Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 How to Read and Why Harold BloomHarold Bloom Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies United States
8.0 This is Orson Welles Peter BogdanovichPeter Bogdanovich Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater, Biography United States
8.5 Fear of Knowledge: Against Relativism and Constructivism Paul BoghossianPaul Boghossian Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Sociology United States
9.0 By Night in Chile Roberto BolanoRoberto Bolano Fiction testGeneral Chile
10.0 The Savage Detectives Roberto BolanoRoberto Bolano Fiction testGeneral Chile
8.0 Between Parentheses Roberto BolanoRoberto Bolano Non-Fiction testEssays, Literary Studies Chile
8.5 Last Evenings on Earth Roberto BolanoRoberto Bolano Fiction testShort Stories Chile
10.0 2666 Roberto BolanoRoberto Bolano Fiction testGeneral Chile
7.0 Group Portrait with Lady Heinrich BollHeinrich Boll Fiction testGeneral Germany
7.5 Something Nasty In The Woodshed Kyril BonfiglioliKyril Bonfiglioli Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 All the Tea in China Kyril BonfiglioliKyril Bonfiglioli Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
7.5 After You With The Pistol Kyril BonfiglioliKyril Bonfiglioli Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.5 Don't Point That Thing at Me Kyril BonfiglioliKyril Bonfiglioli Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
9.0 Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity Katherine BooKatherine Boo Non-Fiction testSociology, History United States
8.0 The Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself Daniel BoorstinDaniel Boorstin Non-Fiction testHistory, Technology United States
7.0 The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America Daniel BoorstinDaniel Boorstin Non-Fiction testJournalism/Media Studies, Sociology United States
7.5 The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia Michael BoothMichael Booth Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, History Denmark
9.0 A Rhetoric of Irony Wayne BoothWayne Boothb Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies United States
9.5 Ficciones Jorge Luis BorgesJorge Luis Borges Fiction testShort Stories Argentina
8.5 Everything and Nothing Jorge Luis BorgesJorge Luis Borges Non-Fiction testShort Stories Argentina
8.5 The Life of Samuel Johnson James BoswellJames Boswell Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies Scotland
8.0 London Journal, 1762-1763 James BoswellJames Boswell Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Travel/Adventure Scotland
7.0 Boswell on the Grand Tour: Italy, Corsica, and France, 1765-1766 James BoswellJames Boswell Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Autobiography/Memoir Scotland
7.0 Holland Journal, 1763-1764 James BoswellJames Boswell Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Travel/Adventure Scotland
9.0 Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly Anthony BourdainAnthony Bourdain Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Food United States
7.0 Ball Four Jim BoutonJim Bouton Non-Fiction testSports, Autobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs John BoweJohn Bowe Non-Fiction testSociology, Business/Management United States
7.0 Restless William BoydWilliam Boyd Fiction testGeneral Scotland
8.0 Any Human Heart: The Intimate Journals of Logan Mountstuart William BoydWilliam Boyd Fiction testGeneral Scotland
7.5 Easy Death Daniel BoydDaniel Boyd Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Armadillo William BoydWilliam Boyd Fiction testGeneral Scotland
8.0 The Odd Couple: The Curious Friendship between Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin Richard BradfordRichard Bradford Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies United Kingdom
8.5 Life on the Run Bill BradleyBill Bradley Non-Fiction testSports, Autobiography/Memoir United States
7.0 The Williamsburg Avant-Garde: Experimental Music and Sound on the Brooklyn Waterfront Cisco BradleyCisco Bradley Non-Fiction testMusic United States
7.5 The Vodi John BraineJohn Braine Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
7.0 Strike! Jeremy BrecherJeremy Brecher Non-Fiction testHistory United States
7.5 Notes on the Cinematograph Robert BressonRobert Bresson Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater France
8.5 The Red Scarf Gil BrewerGil Brewer Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
7.5 A Killer is Loose Gil BrewerGil Brewer Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
7.0 The Transparent Society: Will Technology Force Us To Choose Between Privacy And Freedom? David BrinDavid Brin Non-Fiction testTechnology, Sociology United States
7.0 Time Has Come Today: Rock and Roll Diaries 1967-2007 Harold BronsonHarold Bronson Non-Fiction testMusic, Autobiography/Memoir United States
8.5 Night Heron Adam BrookesAdam Brookes Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 A Start in Life Anita BrooknerAnita Brookner Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.5 Hotel du Lac Anita BrooknerAnita Brookner Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
7.0 A Closed Eye Anita BrooknerAnita Brookner Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 The Road to Character David BrooksDavid Brooks Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Self-Help United States
7.5 Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street John BrooksJohn Brooksc Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Business/Management United States
7.0 Once in Golconda: A True Drama of Wall Street 1920-1938 John BrooksJohn Brooksc Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, History United States
7.5 Inner Tube Hob BrounHob Broun Fiction testGeneral United States
8.5 Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice Bill BrowderBill Browder Non-Fiction testPolitics, Economics/Finance United States
7.0 The Essential Smart Football Chris B. BrownChris B. Browna Non-Fiction testSports United States
8.0 The Fabulous Clipjoint Fredric BrownFredric Brownab Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
7.0 Backstage Wall Street: An Insider’s Guide to Knowing Who to Trust, Who to Run From, and How to Maximize Your Investments Joshua BrownJoshua Brownac Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
7.5 Twilight Man: Love and Ruin in the Shadows of Hollywood and the Clark Empire Liz BrownLiz Brownad Non-Fiction testHistory, Biography United States
8.0 Assembly Natasha BrownNatasha Brownae Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.5 The Taste of Ashes Howard BrowneHoward Browne Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
9.0 Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland Christopher BrowningChristopher Browning Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
7.5 Kafka Was the Rage: A Greenwich Village Memoir Anatole BroyardAnatole Broyard Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
8.5 Intoxicated By My Illness: And Other Writings on Life and Death Anatole BroyardAnatole Broyard Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Medicine United States
7.5 Actual Minds, Possible Worlds Jerome BrunerJerome Bruner Non-Fiction testPsychology United States
8.0 The Panic of 1907: Lessons Learned from the Market's Perfect Storm Robert BrunerRobert Brunerm Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, History United States
8.0 The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies Erik BrynjolfssonErik Brynjolfsson Non-Fiction testTechnology, Economics/Finance United States
9.5 A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, History United States
7.5 The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies United States
9.0 The Body: A Guide for Occupants Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testMedicine United States
8.0 At Home: A Short History of Private Life Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testHistory United States
7.0 In a Sunburned Country Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure United States
8.5 A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Science/Nature United States
7.5 Neither Here Nor There: Travels in Europe Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Autobiography/Memoir
9.0 One Summer: America, 1927 Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testHistory United States
7.0 The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
7.0 I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Essays United States
8.0 Shakespeare: The World as Stage Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies United States
8.0 Greenmantle John BuchanJohn Buchan Fiction testMystery/Crime Scotland
8.0 The Thirty-Nine Steps John BuchanJohn Buchan Fiction testMystery/Crime Scotland
8.0 Among the Thugs: The Experience, and the Seduction, of Crowd Violence Bill BufordBill Buford Non-Fiction testSports, Psychology United Kingdom
8.5 Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany Bill BufordBill Buford Non-Fiction testFood, Autobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
9.0 A Country Doctor's Notebook Mikhail BulgakovMikhail Bulgakov Fiction testShort Stories Russia
7.5 Out of Eden: An Odyssey of Ecological Invasion Alan BurdickAlan Burdick Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United States
8.5 The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea Bob BurgBob Burg Non-Fiction testSelf-Help, Business/Management United States
7.5 Tremor of Intent: An Eschatological Spy Novel Anthony BurgessAnthony Burgess Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 The Glass Rainbow James Lee BurkeJames Lee Burke Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
7.0 Cimarron Rose James Lee BurkeJames Lee Burke Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
7.5 Journals and Letters Frances BurneyFrances Burney Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
7.5 Running with Scissors Augusten BurroughsAugusten Burroughs Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
7.0 A History of Histories: Epics, Chronicles, Romances and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides to the Twentieth Century John BurrowJohn Burrow Non-Fiction testHistory United Kingdom
9.0 Possession A.S. ByattA.S. Byatt Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
7.0 The Shadow of the Sun A.S. ByattA.S. Byatt Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
7.0 Bicycle Diaries David ByrneDavid Byrne Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Autobiography/Memoir United States
9.0 How Music Works David ByrneDavid Byrne Non-Fiction testMusic United States