Rating Title Author Sort descending Genre Sub Genre(s) Country Year
8.0 Sin in the Second City: Madams, Ministers, Playboys, and the Battle for America's SoulSin in the Second City: Madams, Ministers, Playboys, and the Battle for America's Soul Karen AbbottKaren Abbott Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
8.0 Alfred HitchcockAlfred Hitchcock Peter AckroydPeter Ackroyd Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater, Biography United Kingdom
8.0 Leave the World BehindLeave the World Behind Rumaan AlamRumaan Alam Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Judgment on DeltchevJudgment on Deltchev Eric AmblerEric Ambler Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Life Beyond Boundaries: A MemoirA Life Beyond Boundaries: A Memoir Benedict AndersonBenedict Anderson Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Politics United Kingdom
8.0 Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our DecisionsPredictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions Dan ArielyDan Ariely Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Psychology United States
8.0 Cutmouth LadyThe Cutmouth Lady Roby AshbyRoby Ashby Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Man Called OveA Man Called Ove Fredrik BackmanFredrik Backman Fiction testGeneral Sweden
8.0 Best of Mr. Fortune StoriesThe Best of Mr. Fortune Stories H.C. BaileyH.C. Bailey Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Go Tell It on the MountainGo Tell It on the Mountain James BaldwinJames Baldwin Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Giovanni's RoomGiovanni's Room James BaldwinJames Baldwin Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Slaves in the FamilySlaves in the Family Edward BallEdward Ball Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
8.0 Sweet HereafterThe Sweet Hereafter Russell BanksRussell Banks Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 SnowSnow John BanvilleJohn Banville Fiction testMystery/Crime, General
8.0 InfinitiesThe Infinities John BanvilleJohn Banville Fiction testGeneral
8.0 Journal of a Disappointed ManThe Journal of a Disappointed Man W.N.P. BarbellionW.N.P. Barbellion Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
8.0 NightwoodNightwood Djuna BarnesDjuna Barnes Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 End of the RoadThe End of the Road John BarthJohn Barth Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Power Of Delight: A Lifetime In Literature: Essays 1962-2002The Power Of Delight: A Lifetime In Literature: Essays 1962-2002 John BayleyJohn Bayley Non-Fiction testEssays, Literary Studies United Kingdom
8.0 Greece: Biography of a Modern NationGreece: Biography of a Modern Nation Roderick BeatonRoderick Beaton Non-Fiction testHistory United Kingdom
8.0 UpdikeUpdike Adam BegleyAdam Begley Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies United States
8.0 Henderson the Rain KingHenderson the Rain King Saul BellowSaul Bellow Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Illuminations: Essays and ReflectionsIlluminations: Essays and Reflections Walter BenjaminWalter Benjamin Non-Fiction testEssays, Literary Studies Germany
8.0 My Experiences as an ExecutionerMy Experiences as an Executioner James BerryJames Berry Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Sociology United Kingdom
8.0 Dance at the SlaughterhouseA Dance at the Slaughterhouse Lawrence BlockLawrence Block Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 How to Read and WhyHow to Read and Why Harold BloomHarold Bloom Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies United States
8.0 This is Orson WellesThis is Orson Welles Peter BogdanovichPeter Bogdanovich Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater, Biography United States
8.0 Between ParenthesesBetween Parentheses Roberto BolanoRoberto Bolano Non-Fiction testEssays, Literary Studies Chile
8.0 All the Tea in ChinaAll the Tea in China Kyril BonfiglioliKyril Bonfiglioli Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and HimselfThe Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself Daniel BoorstinDaniel Boorstin Non-Fiction testHistory, Technology United States
8.0 London Journal, 1762-1763London Journal, 1762-1763 James BoswellJames Boswell Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Travel/Adventure Scotland
8.0 Gig: Americans Talk About Their JobsGig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs John BoweJohn Bowe Non-Fiction testSociology, Business/Management United States
8.0 ArmadilloArmadillo William BoydWilliam Boyd Fiction testGeneral Scotland
8.0 Any Human Heart: The Intimate Journals of Logan MountstuartAny Human Heart: The Intimate Journals of Logan Mountstuart William BoydWilliam Boyd Fiction testGeneral Scotland
8.0 Odd Couple: The Curious Friendship between Kingsley Amis and Philip LarkinThe Odd Couple: The Curious Friendship between Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin Richard BradfordRichard Bradford Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies United Kingdom
8.0 Start in LifeA Start in Life Anita BrooknerAnita Brookner Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Road to CharacterThe Road to Character David BrooksDavid Brooks Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Self-Help United States
8.0 Fabulous ClipjointThe Fabulous Clipjoint Fredric BrownFredric Brownab Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 AssemblyAssembly Natasha BrownNatasha Brownae Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Panic of 1907: Lessons Learned from the Market's Perfect StormThe Panic of 1907: Lessons Learned from the Market's Perfect Storm Robert BrunerRobert Brunerm Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, History United States
8.0 Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant TechnologiesThe Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies Erik BrynjolfssonErik Brynjolfsson Non-Fiction testTechnology, Economics/Finance United States
8.0 Shakespeare: The World as StageShakespeare: The World as Stage Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies United States
8.0 At Home: A Short History of Private LifeAt Home: A Short History of Private Life Bill BrysonBill Bryson Non-Fiction testHistory United States
8.0 Thirty-Nine StepsThe Thirty-Nine Steps John BuchanJohn Buchan Fiction testMystery/Crime Scotland
8.0 GreenmantleGreenmantle John BuchanJohn Buchan Fiction testMystery/Crime Scotland
8.0 Among the Thugs: The Experience, and the Seduction, of Crowd Violence Among the Thugs: The Experience, and the Seduction, of Crowd Violence Bill BufordBill Buford Non-Fiction testSports, Psychology United Kingdom
8.0 Glass RainbowThe Glass Rainbow James Lee BurkeJames Lee Burke Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Life and Opinions of Zacharias LichterThe Life and Opinions of Zacharias Lichter Matei CalinescuMatei Calinescu Fiction testGeneral Romania
8.0 All the Living and the Dead: From Embalmers to Executioners, an Exploration of the People Who Have Made Death Their Life's WorkAll the Living and the Dead: From Embalmers to Executioners, an Exploration of the People Who Have Made Death Their Life's Work Hayley CampbellHayley Campbell Non-Fiction testMedicine, Sociology United Kingdom
8.0 StrangerThe Stranger Albert CamusAlbert Camus Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 American Passage: The History of Ellis IslandAmerican Passage: The History of Ellis Island Vincent CannatoVincent Cannato Non-Fiction testHistory United States
8.0 Limonov: The Outrageous Adventures of the Radical Soviet Poet Who Became a Bum in New York, a Sensation in France, and a Political Antihero in RussiaLimonov: The Outrageous Adventures of the Radical Soviet Poet Who Became a Bum in New York, a Sensation in France, and a Political Antihero in Russia Emmanuel CarrereEmmanuel Carrere Fiction testGeneral France
8.0 Class Trip & The MustacheClass Trip & The Mustache Emmanuel CarrereEmmanuel Carrere Fiction testGeneral France
8.0 Dolly CityDolly City Orly Castel-BloomOrly Castel-Bloom Fiction testGeneral Israel
8.0 VorrhThe Vorrh Brian CatlingBrian Catling Fiction testScience Fiction United Kingdom
8.0 Cities of Words: Pedagogical Letters on a Register if the Moral LifeCities of Words: Pedagogical Letters on a Register if the Moral Life Stanley CavellStanley Cavell Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Film/TV/Theater United States
8.0 Yanomamo: Case Studies in Cultural AnthropologyThe Yanomamo: Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology Napoleon ChagnonNapoleon Chagnon Non-Fiction testAnthropology, Sociology United States
8.0 Farewell, My LovelyFarewell, My Lovely Raymond ChandlerRaymond Chandler Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 On the Black HillOn the Black Hill Bruce ChatwinBruce Chatwin Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Beauties: Essential StoriesThe Beauties: Essential Stories Anton ChekhovAnton Chekhov Fiction testShort Stories Russia
8.0 Worth Dying ForWorth Dying For Lee ChildLee Child Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to FailThe Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail Clayton ChristensenClayton Christensen Non-Fiction testBusiness/Management, Technology United States
8.0 Remember MeRemember Me Mary Higgins ClarkMary Higgins Clarkb Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Gone for GoodGone for Good Harlan CobenHarlan Coben Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Colossal Wreck: A Road Trip Through Political Scandal, Corruption, And American CultureA Colossal Wreck: A Road Trip Through Political Scandal, Corruption, And American Culture Alexander CockburnAlexander Cockburn Non-Fiction testPolitics, Autobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni RevolutionThe Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution Patrick CockburnPatrick Cockburnc Non-Fiction testPolitics Ireland
8.0 Murder Among ChildrenMurder Among Children Tucker CoeTucker Coe Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Kinds of Love, Kinds of DeathKinds of Love, Kinds of Death Tucker CoeTucker Coe Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Last Tycoons: The Secret History of Lazard Frères & Co.The Last Tycoons: The Secret History of Lazard Frères & Co. William D. CohanWilliam D. Cohan Non-Fiction testBusiness/Management, Economics/Finance United States
8.0 True DetectiveTrue Detective Max Allan CollinsMax Allan Collins Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 MoonstoneThe Moonstone Wilkie CollinsWilkie Collins Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Burning RoomThe Burning Room Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Last CoyoteThe Last Coyote Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Trunk MusicTrunk Music Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Dark Sacred NightDark Sacred Night Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime
8.0 Wrong Side of GoodbyeThe Wrong Side of Goodbye Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Lost LightLost Light Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Black EchoThe Black Echo Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Two Kinds of TruthTwo Kinds of Truth Michael ConnellyMichael Connelly Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Enemies of PromiseEnemies of Promise Cyril ConnollyCyril Connolly Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies, Autobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
8.0 UnquietThe Unquiet John ConnollyJohn Connolly Fiction testMystery/Crime Ireland
8.0 ClassClass Jilly CooperJilly Cooper Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 I Am the CheeseI Am the Cheese Robert CormierRobert Cormier Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 PostmortemPostmortem Patricia CornwellPatricia Cornwell Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Lost KeyThe Lost Key Catherine CoulterCatherine Coulter Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Girlfriend in a ComaGirlfriend in a Coma Douglas CouplandDouglas Coupland Fiction testGeneral Canada
8.0 Voodoo RiverVoodoo River Robert CraisRobert Crais Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Andromeda StrainThe Andromeda Strain Michael CrichtonMichael Crichton Fiction testScience Fiction, Mystery/Crime United States
8.0 Secret of Santa VittoriaThe Secret of Santa Vittoria Robert CrichtonRobert Crichtonc Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Number: The Language of ScienceNumber: The Language of Science Tobias DantzigTobias Dantzig Non-Fiction testMathematics/Statistics, Science/Nature United States
8.0 Under Plum LakeUnder Plum Lake Lionel DavidsonLionel Davidsonc Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 River Out of EdenRiver Out of Eden Richard DawkinsRichard Dawkins Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United Kingdom
8.0 Religion for Atheists: A Non-Believer's Guide to the Uses of ReligionReligion for Atheists: A Non-Believer's Guide to the Uses of Religion Alain de BottonAlain de Botton Non-Fiction testReligion United Kingdom
8.0 PersonaePersonae Sergio de la PavaSergio de la Pava Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Moll FlandersMoll Flanders Daniel DefoeDaniel Defoe Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Out of Our Past: The Forces That Shaped Modern AmericaOut of Our Past: The Forces That Shaped Modern America Carl DeglerCarl Degler Non-Fiction testHistory United States
8.0 Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North KoreaNothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea Barbara DemickBarbara Demick Non-Fiction testPolitics United States
8.0 Remorseful DayThe Remorseful Day Colin DexterColin Dexter Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 VALISVALIS Philip K. DickPhilip K. Dick Fiction testScience Fiction United States
8.0 Christmas CarolA Christmas Carol Charles DickensCharles Dickens Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Out of AfricaOut of Africa Isak DinesenIsak Dinesen Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir Denmark
8.0 Berlin AlexanderplatzBerlin Alexanderplatz Alfred DoblinAlfred Doblin Fiction testGeneral Germany
8.0 WaterworksThe Waterworks E.L. DoctorowE.L. Doctorowb Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Oil 101Oil 101 Morgan DowneyMorgan Downey Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
8.0 Study in ScarletA Study in Scarlet Arthur Conan DoyleArthur Conan Doyle Fiction testMystery/Crime Scotland
8.0 Sign of FourThe Sign of Four Arthur Conan DoyleArthur Conan Doyle Fiction testMystery/Crime Scotland
8.0 House of Sand and FogHouse of Sand and Fog Andre Dubus IIIAndre Dubus III Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Foucault's PendulumFoucault's Pendulum Umberto EcoUmberto Eco Fiction testGeneral Italy
8.0 Mill on the FlossThe Mill on the Floss George EliotGeorge Eliot Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Nina Simone's Gum: A Memoir of Things Lost and FoundNina Simone's Gum: A Memoir of Things Lost and Found Warren EllisWarren Ellisb Non-Fiction testMusic, Autobiography/Memoir Australia
8.0 Short BladeShort Blade Peter EmshwillerPeter Emshwiller Fiction testScience Fiction United States
8.0 Kill ZoneKill Zone Loren EstlemanLoren Estleman Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two CulturesThe Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures Anne FadimanAnne Fadiman Non-Fiction testMedicine, Anthropology United States
8.0 Home Ice: Reflections on Backyard Rinks and Frozen PondsHome Ice: Reflections on Backyard Rinks and Frozen Ponds Jack FallaJack Falla Non-Fiction testSports United States
8.0 Crazy U: One Dad's Crash Course in Getting His Kid into CollegeCrazy U: One Dad's Crash Course in Getting His Kid into College Andrew FergusonAndrew Ferguson Non-Fiction testEducation, Autobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Then We Came to the EndThen We Came to the End Joshua FerrisJoshua Ferris Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Six Not So Easy Pieces: Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry and Space-TimeSix Not So Easy Pieces: Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry and Space-Time Richard FeynmanRichard Feynman Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United States
8.0 Love and Death in the American NovelLove and Death in the American Novel Leslie FiedlerLeslie Fiedler Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies United States
8.0 Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine ConflictImage and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict Norman FinkelsteinNorman Finkelstein Non-Fiction testPolitics, History United States
8.0 Thought GangThe Thought Gang Tibor FischerTibor Fischer Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Under the Frog: A Black ComedyUnder the Frog: A Black Comedy Tibor FischerTibor Fischer Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 There's No Such Thing as Free Speech: And It's a Good Thing, TooThere's No Such Thing as Free Speech: And It's a Good Thing, Too Stanley FishStanley Fish Non-Fiction testPolitics United States
8.0 Great GatsbyThe Great Gatsby F. Scott FitzgeraldF. Scott Fitzgerald Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Gone GirlGone Girl Gillian FlynnGillian Flynn Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil WarFree Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War Eric FonerEric Foner Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United States
8.0 Handful of SummersA Handful of Summers Gordon ForbesGordon Forbes Non-Fiction testSports, Autobiography/Memoir South Africa
8.0 Morning and EveningMorning and Evening Jon FosseJon Fosse Fiction testGeneral Norway
8.0 Desperate CharactersDesperate Characters Paula FoxPaula Foxc Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 How to Be Alone: EssaysHow to Be Alone: Essays Jonathan FranzenJonathan Franzen Non-Fiction testEssays United States
8.0 TrespasserThe Trespasser Tana FrenchTana French Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of EthicsMan for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics Erich FrommErich Fromm Non-Fiction testPsychology United States
8.0 Escape from FreedomEscape from Freedom Erich FrommErich Fromm Non-Fiction testPsychology, Politics United States
8.0 Great War and Modern MemoryThe Great War and Modern Memory Paul FussellPaul Fussell Non-Fiction testHistory, Literary Studies United States
8.0 Thank God for the Atom Bomb, and Other EssaysThank God for the Atom Bomb, and Other Essays Paul FussellPaul Fussell Non-Fiction testEssays United States
8.0 Boy Scout Handbook and Other ObservationsThe Boy Scout Handbook and Other Observations Paul FussellPaul Fussell Non-Fiction testEssays United States
8.0 Bad Behavior: StoriesBad Behavior: Stories Mary GaitskillMary Gaitskill Fiction testShort Stories United States
8.0 Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak PerformanceThe Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance W. Timothy GallweyW. Timothy Gallwey Non-Fiction testSelf-Help, Sports United States
8.0 Temple of Texts: EssaysA Temple of Texts: Essays William GassWilliam Gass Non-Fiction testEssays, Literary Studies United States
8.0 In the Deserts of This EarthIn the Deserts of This Earth Uwe GeorgeUwe Georgeb Non-Fiction testScience/Nature Germany
8.0 Man Who Folded HimselfThe Man Who Folded Himself David GerroldDavid Gerrold Fiction testScience Fiction United States
8.0 It's Not TV: The Spectacular Rise, Revolution, and Future of HBOIt's Not TV: The Spectacular Rise, Revolution, and Future of HBO Felix GilletteFelix Gillette Non-Fiction testFilm/TV/Theater United States
8.0 Family LexiconFamily Lexicon Natalia GinzburgNatalia Ginzburgb Fiction testGeneral Italy
8.0 David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling GiantsDavid and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants Malcolm GladwellMalcolm Gladwell Non-Fiction testSociology, Psychology Canada
8.0 Outliers: The Story of SuccessOutliers: The Story of Success Malcolm GladwellMalcolm Gladwell Non-Fiction testSociology Canada
8.0 Dark PassageDark Passage David GoodisDavid Goodis Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Meet Me in the Bathroom: Rebirth and Rock and Roll in New York City, 2001-2011Meet Me in the Bathroom: Rebirth and Rock and Roll in New York City, 2001-2011 Lizzy GoodmanLizzy Goodman Non-Fiction testMusic, History United States
8.0 Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the AmazonThe Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon David GrannDavid Grann Non-Fiction testHistory, Travel/Adventure United States
8.0 Be True to Your School: A Diary of 1964Be True to Your School: A Diary of 1964 Bob GreeneBob Greene Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate TheoryThe Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory Brian GreeneBrian Greeneb Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United States
8.0 End of the AffairThe End of the Affair Graham GreeneGraham Greenec Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Sort of Life: A MemoirA Sort of Life: A Memoir Graham GreeneGraham Greenec Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Literary Studies United Kingdom
8.0 ReplayReplay Ken GrimwoodKen Grimwood Fiction testScience Fiction United States
8.0 RainmakerThe Rainmaker John GrishamJohn Grisham Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 FirmThe Firm John GrishamJohn Grisham Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 How Doctors ThinkHow Doctors Think Jerome GroopmanJerome Groopman Non-Fiction testMedicine United States
8.0 Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters: A Study of the Idiosyncratic and the Humane in Modern LiteratureThe Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters: A Study of the Idiosyncratic and the Humane in Modern Literature John GrossJohn Gross Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies United Kingdom
8.0 Snow Falling on CedarsSnow Falling on Cedars David GutersonDavid Guterson Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient WisdomThe Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom Jonathan HaidtJonathan Haidt Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Self-Help United States
8.0 Love for Sale: Pop Music in AmericaLove for Sale: Pop Music in America David HajduDavid Hajdu Non-Fiction testMusic United States
8.0 Mathematician's ApologyA Mathematician's Apology G.H. HardyG.H. Hardy Non-Fiction testMathematics/Statistics, Autobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
8.0 Undercover Economist Strikes Back: How to Run – or Ruin – an EconomyThe Undercover Economist Strikes Back: How to Run – or Ruin – an Economy Tim HarfordTim Harford Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United Kingdom
8.0 Bang the Drum SlowlyBang the Drum Slowly Mark HarrisMark Harrisc Fiction testGeneral, Sports United States
8.0 You Are Not a Stranger Here: StoriesYou Are Not a Stranger Here: Stories Adam HaslettAdam Haslett Fiction testShort Stories United States
8.0 Sultry Month: Scenes of London Literary Life in 1846A Sultry Month: Scenes of London Literary Life in 1846 Alethea HayterAlethea Hayter Non-Fiction testHistory, Literary Studies United Kingdom
8.0 Selected WritingsSelected Writings William HazlittWilliam Hazlitt Non-Fiction testEssays
8.0 I Dreamed I Was a Very Clean TrampI Dreamed I Was a Very Clean Tramp Richard HellRichard Hell Non-Fiction testMusic, Autobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Good as GoldGood as Gold Joseph HellerJoseph Hellerb Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Sun Also RisesThe Sun Also Rises Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Old Man and the SeaThe Old Man and the Sea Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Slough HouseSlough House Mick HerronMick Herron Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Kennedy for the DefenseKennedy for the Defense George V. HigginsGeorge V. Higgins Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Ripley's GameRipley's Game Patricia HighsmithPatricia Highsmith Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Dance Hall of the DeadDance Hall of the Dead Tony HillermanTony Hillerman Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Rage in HarlemA Rage in Harlem Chester HimesChester Himes Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Nowhere to Run: The Story of Soul MusicNowhere to Run: The Story of Soul Music Gerri HirsheyGerri Hirshey Non-Fiction testMusic United States
8.0 Unacknowledged Legislation: Writers in the Public SphereUnacknowledged Legislation: Writers in the Public Sphere Christopher HitchensChristopher Hitchens Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies, Politics United Kingdom
8.0 CheatersThe Cheaters Orrie HittOrrie Hitt Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Dial "M" for ManDial "M" for Man Orrie HittOrrie Hitt Non-Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Interesting Times: A Twentieth-Century LifeInteresting Times: A Twentieth-Century Life Eric HobsbawmEric Hobsbawm Non-Fiction testHistory, Autobiography/Memoir United Kingdom
8.0 True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass MovementsThe True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements Eric HofferEric Hoffer Non-Fiction testSociology, Psychology United States
8.0 Age of ReformThe Age of Reform Richard HofstadterRichard Hofstadter Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United States
8.0 Paranoid Style in American PoliticsThe Paranoid Style in American Politics Richard HofstadterRichard Hofstadter Non-Fiction testPolitics United States
8.0 Unfinished CrimeThe Unfinished Crime Elisabeth Sanxay HoldingElisabeth Sanxay Holding Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Lytton Strachey: The New BiographyLytton Strachey: The New Biography Michael HolroydMichael Holroyd Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies United Kingdom
8.0 BarcelonaBarcelona Robert HughesRobert Hughesb Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Art/Architecture Spain
8.0 Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Equinoctial Regions of the New ContinentPersonal Narrative of a Journey to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent Alexander von HumboldtAlexander von Humboldt Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, Travel/Adventure France
8.0 Moment She Was GoneThe Moment She Was Gone Evan HunterEvan Hunter Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Their Eyes Were Watching GodTheir Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale HurstonZora Neale Hurston Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Before the FactBefore the Fact Francis IlesFrancis Iles Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Malice AforethoughtMalice Aforethought Francis IlesFrancis Iles Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 VoicesVoices Arnaldur IndridasonArnaldur Indridason Fiction testMystery/Crime Iceland
8.0 Shroud for a NightingaleShroud for a Nightingale P.D. JamesP.D. Jamesd Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Children of MenThe Children of Men P.D. JamesP.D. Jamesd Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Death in Holy OrdersDeath in Holy Orders P.D. JamesP.D. Jamesd Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 AngelsAngels Denis JohnsonDenis Johnson Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Blues People: Negro Music in White AmericaBlues People: Negro Music in White America LeRoi JonesLeRoi Jonesb Non-Fiction testMusic, History United States
8.0 Mister PipMister Pip Lloyd JonesLloyd Jonesc Fiction testGeneral New Zealand
8.0 Boys of SummerThe Boys of Summer Roger KahnRoger Kahn Non-Fiction testSports, Autobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 When Breath Becomes AirWhen Breath Becomes Air Paul KalanithiPaul Kalanithi Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Medicine United States
8.0 Why the Law Is So PerverseWhy the Law Is So Perverse Leo KatzLeo Katz Non-Fiction testPolitics, Other United States
8.0 F: A NovelF: A Novel Daniel KehlmannDaniel Kehlmann Fiction testGeneral Germany
8.0 Sense and Nonsense in the OfficeSense and Nonsense in the Office Lucy KellawayLucy Kellaway Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Business/Management United Kingdom
8.0 Friday the Rabbi Slept LateFriday the Rabbi Slept Late Harry KemelmanHarry Kemelman Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Billy Phelan's Greatest GameBilly Phelan's Greatest Game William KennedyWilliam Kennedy Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Ken KeseyKen Kesey Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 General Theory of Employment, Interest, and MoneyThe General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money John Maynard KeynesJohn Maynard Keynes Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United Kingdom
8.0 Eyes of the DragonThe Eyes of the Dragon Stephen KingStephen King Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Billy SummersBilly Summers Stephen KingStephen King Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Night ShiftNight Shift Stephen KingStephen King Fiction testHorror, Short Stories
8.0 All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East TerrorAll the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror Stephen KinzerStephen Kinzer Non-Fiction testPolitics, History United States
8.0 Garden, AshesGarden, Ashes Danilo KisDanilo Kis Fiction testGeneral Serbia
8.0 My Struggle: Book ThreeMy Struggle: Book Three Karl Ove KnausgaardKarl Ove Knausgaard Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir Norway
8.0 My Struggle: Book FourMy Struggle: Book Four Karl Ove KnausgaardKarl Ove Knausgaard Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir Norway
8.0 Act of CreationThe Act of Creation Arthur KoestlerArthur Koestler Non-Fiction testPsychology, Art/Architecture United Kingdom
8.0 Biggest Bluff: How I Learned to Pay Attention, Master Myself, and WinThe Biggest Bluff: How I Learned to Pay Attention, Master Myself, and Win Maria KonnikovaMaria Konnikova Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Gambling/Games United States
8.0 Red and the Blue: The 1990s and the Birth of Political TribalismThe Red and the Blue: The 1990s and the Birth of Political Tribalism Steve KornackiSteve Kornacki Non-Fiction testPolitics United States
8.0 StepsSteps Jerzy KosinskiJerzy Kosinski Fiction testGeneral Poland
8.0 Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest DisasterInto Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster Jon KrakauerJon Krakauer Non-Fiction testSports, Travel/Adventure United States
8.0 World Goes OnThe World Goes On Laszlo KrasznahorkaiLaszlo Krasznahorkai Fiction testShort Stories Hungary
8.0 Age of Diminished Expectations: U.S. Economic Policy in the 1990sThe Age of Diminished Expectations: U.S. Economic Policy in the 1990s Paul KrugmanPaul Krugman Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Politics United States
8.0 Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 Paul KrugmanPaul Krugman Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
8.0 Unbearable Lightness of BeingThe Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan KunderaMilan Kundera Fiction testGeneral Czech Republic
8.0 One Chord Wonders: Power and Meaning in Punk RockOne Chord Wonders: Power and Meaning in Punk Rock Dave LaingDave Laing Non-Fiction testMusic, Sociology United Kingdom
8.0 Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and LifeBird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life Anne LamottAnne Lamott Non-Fiction testLiterary Studies, Essays United States
8.0 Sahara Unveiled: A Journey Across the DesertSahara Unveiled: A Journey Across the Desert William LangewiescheWilliam Langewiesche Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, Autobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible VoyageEndurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage Alfred LansingAlfred Lansing Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, History United States
8.0 History of ShitHistory of Shit Dominique LaporteDominique Laporte Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology France
8.0 Girl With the Dragon TattooThe Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Stieg LarssonStieg Larsson Fiction testMystery/Crime Sweden
8.0 Gun SellerThe Gun Seller Hugh LaurieHugh Laurie Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Hold On to Your Dreams: Arthur Russell and the Downtown Music Scene, 1973-1992Hold On to Your Dreams: Arthur Russell and the Downtown Music Scene, 1973-1992 Tim LawrenceTim Lawrence Non-Fiction testMusic, Biography United States
8.0 Most Wanted ManA Most Wanted Man John le CarreJohn le Carre Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Our Kind of TraitorOur Kind of Traitor John le CarreJohn le Carre Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Random Family: Love, Drugs, Trouble and Coming of Age in the BronxRandom Family: Love, Drugs, Trouble and Coming of Age in the Bronx Adrian Nicole LeBlancAdrian Nicole LeBlanc Non-Fiction testSociology United States
8.0 To Kill a MockingbirdTo Kill a Mockingbird Harper LeeHarper Lee Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Maximum BobMaximum Bob Elmore LeonardElmore Leonard Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Walking on the Edge of the World: A Memoir of the Sixties and BeyondWalking on the Edge of the World: A Memoir of the Sixties and Beyond George LeonardGeorge Leonardb Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, History United States
8.0 Joe Gould’s TeethJoe Gould’s Teeth Jill LeporeJill Lepore Non-Fiction testHistory, Biography United States
8.0 Hero of Our TimeA Hero of Our Time Mikhail LermontovMikhail Lermontov Fiction testGeneral Russia
8.0 Mystery of the Yellow RoomThe Mystery of the Yellow Room Gaston LerouxGaston Leroux Fiction testMystery/Crime France
8.0 Rosemary's BabyRosemary's Baby Ira LevinIra Levin Fiction testHorror United States
8.0 Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of EverythingFreakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything Steven LevittSteven Levitt Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Sociology United States
8.0 Hackers: Heroes of the Computer RevolutionHackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution Steven LevySteven Levy Non-Fiction testTechnology United States
8.0 Premonition: A Pandemic StoryThe Premonition: A Pandemic Story Michael LewisMichael Lewis Non-Fiction testPolitics, Medicine United States
8.0 Losers: The Road to Everyplace but the White HouseLosers: The Road to Everyplace but the White House Michael LewisMichael Lewis Non-Fiction testPolitics United States
8.0 Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine Michael LewisMichael Lewis Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Business/Management United States
8.0 Origins of the Federal Reserve System: Money, Class and Corporate Capitalism, 1890-1913Origins of the Federal Reserve System: Money, Class and Corporate Capitalism, 1890-1913 James LivingstonJames Livingston Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, History United States
8.0 Man Who Made Vermeers: Unvarnishing the Legend of Master Forger Han van MeegerenThe Man Who Made Vermeers: Unvarnishing the Legend of Master Forger Han van Meegeren Jonathan LopezJonathan Lopez Non-Fiction testTrue Crime, Art/Architecture United States
8.0 LodgerThe Lodger Marie Belloc LowndesMarie Belloc Lowndes Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Lights of Pointe-NoireThe Lights of Pointe-Noire Alain MabanckouAlain Mabanckou Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Anthropology France
8.0 Deadly Shade of GoldA Deadly Shade of Gold John D. MacDonaldJohn D. MacDonald Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Slam the Big DoorSlam the Big Door John D. MacDonaldJohn D. MacDonaldb Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 DoomstersThe Doomsters Ross MacdonaldRoss Macdonaldd Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Random Walk down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful InvestingA Random Walk down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing Burton MalkielBurton Malkiel Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
8.0 World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the RenaissanceA World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance William ManchesterWilliam Manchester Non-Fiction testHistory United States
8.0 FataleFatale Jean-Patrick ManchetteJean-Patrick Manchette Fiction testMystery/Crime
8.0 New Finnish GrammarNew Finnish Grammar Diego MaraniDiego Marani Fiction testGeneral Italy
8.0 Real Life Rock: The Complete Top Ten Columns, 1986–2014Real Life Rock: The Complete Top Ten Columns, 1986–2014 Greil MarcusGreil Marcus Non-Fiction testMusic United States
8.0 Tsar of Love and Techno: StoriesThe Tsar of Love and Techno: Stories Anthony MarraAnthony Marra Fiction testShort Stories United States
8.0 Grundrisse Grundrisse Karl MarxKarl Marx Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Economics/Finance Germany
8.0 Box of DelightsThe Box of Delights John MasefieldJohn Masefield Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Every Love Story is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster WallaceEvery Love Story is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace D.T. MaxD.T. Max Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies United States
8.0 Killer's WedgeKiller's Wedge Ed McBainEd McBain Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Lucky BastardLucky Bastard Charles McCarryCharles McCarry Fiction testMystery/Crime
8.0 Angela's AshesAngela's Ashes Frank McCourtFrank McCourt Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, History Ireland
8.0 Dr. Haggard's DiseaseDr. Haggard's Disease Patrick McGrathPatrick McGrath Fiction testGeneral, Horror United Kingdom
8.0 Reinventing the Bazaar: A Natural History of MarketsReinventing the Bazaar: A Natural History of Markets John McMillanJohn McMillan Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, History United States
8.0 Big Red's DaughterBig Red's Daughter John McPartlandJohn McPartland Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer BehaviorSpent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behavior Geoffrey MillerGeoffrey Millerb Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, Psychology United States
8.0 Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPNThose Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of ESPN James Andrew MillerJames Andrew Millerd Non-Fiction testSports, Film/TV/Theater United States
8.0 Captive MindThe Captive Mind Czeslaw MiloszCzeslaw Milosz Non-Fiction testPolitics, Sociology Poland
8.0 Suspended SentencesSuspended Sentences Patrick ModianoPatrick Modiano Fiction testGeneral France
8.0 Thousand MoronsA Thousand Morons Quim MonzoQuim Monzo Fiction testShort Stories Spain
8.0 Purple AmericaPurple America Rick MoodyRick Moody Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 You Have to Pay for the Public Life: Selected Essays of Charles W. MooreYou Have to Pay for the Public Life: Selected Essays of Charles W. Moore Charles W. MooreCharles W. Moore Non-Fiction testArt/Architecture United States
8.0 Altered CarbonAltered Carbon Richard MorganRichard Morgan Fiction testScience Fiction United States
8.0 AutobiographyAutobiography MorrisseySteven Morrissey Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Music
8.0 Traveller in RomeA Traveller in Rome H.V. MortonH.V. Morton Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure United Kingdom
8.0 Adam Smith In His Time and Ours: Designing the Decent SocietyAdam Smith In His Time and Ours: Designing the Decent Society Jerry MullerJerry Muller Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Biography United States
8.0 Kafka on the ShoreKafka on the Shore Haruki MurakamiHaruki Murakami Fiction testGeneral Japan
8.0 Million WindowsA Million Windows Gerald MurnaneGerald Murnane Fiction testGeneral Australia
8.0 SnowmanThe Snowman Jo NesboJo Nesbo Fiction testMystery/Crime Norway
8.0 Presidential Power and the Modern PresidentsPresidential Power and the Modern Presidents Richard NeustadtRichard Neustadt Non-Fiction testPolitics United States
8.0 Everything I Never Told YouEverything I Never Told You Celeste NgCeleste Ng Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Loving SabotageLoving Sabotage Amelie NothombAmelie Nothomb Fiction testGeneral Belgium
8.0 FriendThe Friend Sigrid NunezSigrid Nunez Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Poor Mouth: A Bad Story About the Hard LifeThe Poor Mouth: A Bad Story About the Hard Life Flann O'BrienFlann O'Brienb Fiction testGeneral Ireland
8.0 Things They CarriedThe Things They Carried Tim O'BrienTim O'Brienc Fiction testShort Stories United States
8.0 Habit of Being: The Letters of Flannery O'ConnorThe Habit of Being: The Letters of Flannery O'Connor Flannery O'ConnorFlannery O'Connor Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Literary Studies United States
8.0 Rationalism in Politics and Other EssaysRationalism in Politics and Other Essays Michael OakeshottMichael Oakeshott Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Politics United Kingdom
8.0 Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty: The Game, The Team, and the Cost of GreatnessThe Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty: The Game, The Team, and the Cost of Greatness Buster OlneyBuster Olney Non-Fiction testSports United States
8.0 Animal FarmAnimal Farm George OrwellGeorge Orwell Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Nineteen Eighty-Four Nineteen Eighty-Four George OrwellGeorge Orwell Fiction testGeneral, Science Fiction United Kingdom
8.0 Year of the HareThe Year of the Hare Arto PaasilinnaArto Paasilinna Fiction testGeneral Finland
8.0 HereticsHeretics Leonardo PaduraLeonardo Padura Fiction testMystery/Crime Cuba
8.0 Man Who Loved DogsThe Man Who Loved Dogs Leonardo PaduraLeonardo Padura Fiction testGeneral Cuba
8.0 Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily DickinsonSexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson Camille PagliaCamille Paglia Non-Fiction testHistory, Literary Studies United States
8.0 SnowSnow Orhan PamukOrhan Pamuk Fiction testGeneral Turkey
8.0 TurnaroundThe Turnaround George PelecanosGeorge Pelecanos Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 War Against the MafiaWar Against the Mafia Don PendletonDon Pendleton Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Brutal TellingThe Brutal Telling Louise PennyLouise Penny Fiction testMystery/Crime Canada
8.0 MoviegoerThe Moviegoer Walker PercyWalker Percy Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Circuit: A Tennis OdysseyThe Circuit: A Tennis Odyssey Rowan Ricardo PhillipsRowan Ricardo Phillipsb Non-Fiction testSports United States
8.0 Open Net: A Professional Amateur in the World of Big-Time HockeyOpen Net: A Professional Amateur in the World of Big-Time Hockey George PlimptonGeorge Plimpton Non-Fiction testSports, Autobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Mad Ducks and Bears: Football RevisitedMad Ducks and Bears: Football Revisited George PlimptonGeorge Plimpton Non-Fiction testSports, Autobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four MealsThe Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals Michael PollanMichael Pollan Non-Fiction testFood, Science/Nature United States
8.0 My Name is Asher LevMy Name is Asher Lev Chaim PotokChaim Potok Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 DeclareDeclare Tim PowersTim Powers Fiction testScience Fiction United States
8.0 PeddlerThe Peddler Richard S. PratherRichard S. Prather Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human PandemicSpillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic David QuammenDavid Quammen Non-Fiction testScience/Nature, Medicine United States
8.0 Double, DoubleDouble, Double Ellery QueenEllery Queen Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Murder Me for NickelsMurder Me for Nickels Peter RabePeter Rabe Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Devil in the FleshDevil in the Flesh Raymond RadiguetRaymond Radiguet Fiction testGeneral France
8.0 FountainheadThe Fountainhead Ayn RandAyn Rand Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Strange Tale of Panorama IslandStrange Tale of Panorama Island Edogawa RanpoEdogawa Ranpo Fiction testGeneral Japan
8.0 Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do about ItOf Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do about It Richard ReevesRichard Reeves Non-Fiction testSociology United States
8.0 Name is MaloneThe Name is Malone Craig RiceCraig Riceb Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Apprenticeship of Duddy KravitzThe Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz Mordecai RichlerMordecai Richler Fiction testGeneral Canada
8.0 Black Music of Two WorldsBlack Music of Two Worlds John Storm RobertsJohn Storm Robertsb Non-Fiction testMusic United States
8.0 Cable Cowboy: John Malone and the Rise of the Modern Cable BusinessCable Cowboy: John Malone and the Rise of the Modern Cable Business Mark RobichauxMark Robichaux Non-Fiction testBiography, Business/Management United States
8.0 Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working ClassThe Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class David RoedigerDavid Roediger Non-Fiction testSociology, Politics United States
8.0 Later Diaries of Ned Rorem: 1961-1972The Later Diaries of Ned Rorem: 1961-1972 Ned RoremNed Rorem Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Music United States
8.0 Two Arabs, a Berber and a Jew: Entangled Lives in MoroccoTwo Arabs, a Berber and a Jew: Entangled Lives in Morocco Lawrence RosenLawrence Rosen Non-Fiction testHistory Morocco
8.0 Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World — and Why Things Are Better Than You ThinkFactfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World — and Why Things Are Better Than You Think Hans RoslingHans Rosling Non-Fiction testMathematics/Statistics, Sociology Sweden
8.0 American PastoralAmerican Pastoral Philip RothPhilip Roth Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Neon Metropolis: How Las Vegas Started the Twenty-First CenturyNeon Metropolis: How Las Vegas Started the Twenty-First Century Hal RothmanHal Rothman Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology United States
8.0 Making of Middlebrow CultureThe Making of Middlebrow Culture Joan Shelley RubinJoan Shelley Rubinb Non-Fiction testSociology, Literary Studies United States
8.0 Education and the Good LifeEducation and the Good Life Bertrand RussellBertrand Russell Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Education United Kingdom
8.0 Portraits from MemoryPortraits from Memory Bertrand RussellBertrand Russell Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Biography United Kingdom
8.0 Out of Place: A MemoirOut of Place: A Memoir Edward SaidEdward Said Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Politics United States
8.0 Nine StoriesNine Stories J.D. SalingerJ.D. Salinger Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Tenth of December: StoriesTenth of December: Stories George SaundersGeorge Saunders Fiction testShort Stories United States
8.0 Searing Light, the Sun and Everything Else: Joy DivisionThis Searing Light, the Sun and Everything Else: Joy Division Jon SavageJon Savage Non-Fiction testMusic, Biography United Kingdom
8.0 Murder Must AdvertiseMurder Must Advertise Dorothy L. SayersDorothy L. Sayers Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Political Education: Coming of Age in Paris and New YorkA Political Education: Coming of Age in Paris and New York Andre SchiffrinAndre Schiffrin Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Journalism/Media Studies United States
8.0 Susan Sontag: A BiographySusan Sontag: A Biography Daniel SchreiberDaniel Schreiber Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies Germany
8.0 W.G. SebaldW.G. Sebald Uwe SchutteUwe Schutte Non-Fiction testBiography, Literary Studies Germany
8.0 Market WizardsMarket Wizards Jack SchwagerJack Schwager Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance United States
8.0 In Dreams Begin Responsibilities and Other StoriesIn Dreams Begin Responsibilities and Other Stories Delmore SchwartzDelmore Schwartzc Fiction testShort Stories United States
8.0 Requiem for a DreamRequiem for a Dream Hubert Selby Jr.Hubert Selby Jr. Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Bells of Old Tokyo: Meditations on Time and a CityThe Bells of Old Tokyo: Meditations on Time and a City Anna ShermanAnna Sherman Non-Fiction testTravel/Adventure, History United States
8.0 I Remember YouI Remember You Yrsa SigurdardottirYrsa Sigurdardottir Fiction testHorror Iceland
8.0 Kill ArtistThe Kill Artist Daniel SilvaDaniel Silva Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Maigret and the Burglar's WifeMaigret and the Burglar's Wife Georges SimenonGeorges Simenon Fiction testMystery/Crime Belgium
8.0 Maigret on the DefensiveMaigret on the Defensive Georges SimenonGeorges Simenon Fiction testMystery/Crime Belgium
8.0 Glass CageThe Glass Cage Georges SimenonGeorges Simenon Fiction testMystery/Crime Belgium
8.0 Maigret and the Headless CorpseMaigret and the Headless Corpse Georges SimenonGeorges Simenon Fiction testMystery/Crime Belgium
8.0 Saint-Fiacre AffairThe Saint-Fiacre Affair Georges SimenonGeorges Simenon Fiction testMystery/Crime Belgium
8.0 Red LightsRed Lights Georges SimenonGeorges Simenon Fiction testMystery/Crime Belgium
8.0 Touching the Void: The True Story of One Man's Miraculous SurvivalTouching the Void: The True Story of One Man's Miraculous Survival Joe SimpsonJoe Simpson Non-Fiction testSports, Travel/Adventure United Kingdom
8.0 I Capture the CastleI Capture the Castle Dodie SmithDodie Smithc Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Volcano LoverThe Volcano Lover Susan SontagSusan Sontag Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Illness as MetaphorIllness as Metaphor Susan SontagSusan Sontag Non-Fiction testMedicine, Sociology United States
8.0 KusamakuraKusamakura Natsume SosekiNatsume Soseki Fiction testGeneral Japan
8.0 SanshiroSanshiro Natsume SosekiNatsume Soseki Fiction testGeneral Japan
8.0 I, the JuryI, the Jury Mickey SpillaneMickey Spillane Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Beatles: The BiographyThe Beatles: The Biography Bob SpitzBob Spitz Non-Fiction testMusic, Biography United States
8.0 Making of an American Thinking Class: Intellectuals & Intelligentsia in Puritan MassachusettsThe Making of an American Thinking Class: Intellectuals & Intelligentsia in Puritan Massachusetts Darren StaloffDarren Staloff Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United States
8.0 MournerThe Mourner Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Rare Coin ScoreThe Rare Coin Score Richard StarkRichard Stark Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Grapes of WrathThe Grapes of Wrath John SteinbeckJohn Steinbeck Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Winter of Our DiscontentThe Winter of Our Discontent John SteinbeckJohn Steinbeck Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Champagne for OneChampagne for One Rex StoutRex Stout Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Case of the Red BoxCase of the Red Box Rex StoutRex Stout Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Before MidnightBefore Midnight Rex StoutRex Stout Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Too Many CooksToo Many Cooks Rex StoutRex Stout Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Pulphead: EssaysPulphead: Essays John Jeremiah SullivanJohn Jeremiah Sullivan Non-Fiction testEssays United States
8.0 Wisdom of CrowdsThe Wisdom of Crowds James SurowieckiJames Surowiecki Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Sociology United States
8.0 Speechwriter: A Brief Education in PoliticsThe Speechwriter: A Brief Education in Politics Barton SwaimBarton Swaim Non-Fiction testPolitics, Autobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Modest ProposalA Modest Proposal Jonathan SwiftJonathan Swift Non-Fiction testEssays Ireland
8.0 DoorThe Door Magda SzaboMagda Szabo Fiction testGeneral Hungary
8.0 Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily LifeSkin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life Nassim Nicholas TalebNassim Nicholas Taleb Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, Business/Management United States
8.0 Story of My AssassinsThe Story of My Assassins Tarun TejpalTarun Tejpal Fiction testGeneral India
8.0 Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain SightConfessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight M.E. ThomasM.E. Thomase Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Psychology United States
8.0 Cold War SwapThe Cold War Swap Ross ThomasRoss Thomasf Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Killer Inside MeThe Killer Inside Me Jim ThompsonJim Thompsonc Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 GriftersThe Grifters Jim ThompsonJim Thompsonc Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for SuccessThe Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success William ThorndikeWilliam Thorndike Non-Fiction testBusiness/Management United States
8.0 Conquest of America: The Question of the OtherThe Conquest of America: The Question of the Other Tzvetan TodorovTzvetan Todorov Non-Fiction testHistory, Sociology France
8.0 Confederacy of DuncesA Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy TooleJohn Kennedy Toole Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Deluge: The Great War, America, and the Remaking of the Global Order, 1916-1931The Deluge: The Great War, America, and the Remaking of the Global Order, 1916-1931 Adam ToozeAdam Tooze Non-Fiction testHistory, Economics/Finance United States
8.0 Diaries of Kenneth TynanThe Diaries of Kenneth Tynan Kenneth TynanKenneth Tynan Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir, Film/TV/Theater United Kingdom
8.0 Sound of Two Hands ClappingThe Sound of Two Hands Clapping Kenneth TynanKenneth Tynan Non-Fiction testEssays, Film/TV/Theater United Kingdom
8.0 Self-Consciousness: MemoirsSelf-Consciousness: Memoirs John UpdikeJohn Updike Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Witches of EastwickThe Witches of Eastwick John UpdikeJohn Updike Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and SurvivalThe Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival John VaillantJohn Vaillant Non-Fiction testScience/Nature United States
8.0 Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in CrisisHillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis J.D. VanceJ.D. Vanceb Non-Fiction testPolitics, Sociology United States
8.0 Killing MachineThe Killing Machine Jack VanceJack Vancec Fiction testScience Fiction United States
8.0 GrasshopperGrasshopper Barbara VineBarbara Vine Fiction testMystery/Crime United Kingdom
8.0 Cat's CradleCat's Cradle Kurt VonnegutKurt Vonnegut Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Prompt & Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs Against JapanPrompt & Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs Against Japan J. Samuel WalkerJ. Samuel Walker Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United States
8.0 Quack This Way: David Foster Wallace & Bryan A. Garner Talk Language and WritingQuack This Way: David Foster Wallace & Bryan A. Garner Talk Language and Writing David Foster WallaceDavid Foster Wallaceb Non-Fiction testOther United States
8.0 Glass CastleThe Glass Castle Jeannette WallsJeannette Walls Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 Hollywood CrowsHollywood Crows Joseph WambaughJoseph Wambaugh Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Wisdom of InsecurityThe Wisdom of Insecurity Alan WattsAlan Watts Non-Fiction testPhilosophy, Self-Help United Kingdom
8.0 Decline and FallDecline and Fall Evelyn WaughEvelyn Waugh Fiction testGeneral United Kingdom
8.0 Mind Club: Who Thinks, What Feels, and Why It MattersThe Mind Club: Who Thinks, What Feels, and Why It Matters Daniel WegnerDaniel Wegner Non-Fiction testPsychology United States
8.0 Thieves' DozenThieves' Dozen Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime, Short Stories United States
8.0 Bad NewsBad News Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 What's So Funny?What's So Funny? Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Road to RuinThe Road to Ruin Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Dancing AztecsDancing Aztecs Donald WestlakeDonald Westlake Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Underground RailroadThe Underground Railroad Colson WhiteheadColson Whitehead Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Hell Can WaitHell Can Wait Harry WhittingtonHarry Whittington Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Way InnThe Way Inn Will WilesWill Wiles Fiction testGeneral, Horror United Kingdom
8.0 Men at Work: The Craft of BaseballMen at Work: The Craft of Baseball George F. WillGeorge F. Will Non-Fiction testSports, Biography United States
8.0 Man on the RunMan on the Run Charles K. WilliamsCharles K. Williams Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 StonerStoner John WilliamsJohn Williamsb Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 This Is Not a GameThis Is Not a Game Walter Jon WilliamsWalter Jon Williamsf Fiction testScience Fiction United States
8.0 Doctor StoriesThe Doctor Stories William Carlos WilliamsWilliam Carlos Williamsg Fiction testShort Stories United States
8.0 Duke of Deception: Memories of My FatherDuke of Deception: Memories of My Father Geoffrey WolffGeoffrey Wolffb Non-Fiction testAutobiography/Memoir United States
8.0 WifeThe Wife Meg WolitzerMeg Wolitzer Fiction testGeneral United States
8.0 Random Acts of Senseless ViolenceRandom Acts of Senseless Violence Jack WomackJack Womack Fiction testScience Fiction United States
8.0 Bubble Economy: Japan's Extraordinary Speculative Boom of the '80s and the Dramatic Bust of the '90sThe Bubble Economy: Japan's Extraordinary Speculative Boom of the '80s and the Dramatic Bust of the '90s Christopher WoodChristopher Wood Non-Fiction testEconomics/Finance, History Japan
8.0 Radicalism of the American RevolutionThe Radicalism of the American Revolution Gordon WoodGordon Woodb Non-Fiction testHistory, Politics United States
8.0 Tony and SusanTony and Susan Austin WrightAustin Wright Fiction testMystery/Crime United States
8.0 Shadow of the WindThe Shadow of the Wind Carlos Ruiz ZafonCarlos Ruiz Zafon Fiction testGeneral Spain
8.0 Labyrinth of SpiritsThe Labyrinth of Spirits Carlos Ruiz ZafonCarlos Ruiz Zafon Fiction testGeneral Spain